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6                                                        CANADA MINTS 1979-1983 FACE $682:                        CANADA QV
                                                                 266. Û Large binder with a coll of mints                 COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:
                                                                  on pages from 1979-83 with a few earlier.               296. Ú 51/88, Interesting coll / accum of QV
                                                                  Most are 17¢-32¢ values with many nice                   Jubilee (has 38 stamps of 1¢ & 3¢) Leaf &
                                                                  commems, defins, Christmas, Plate Blocks,                Numeral issues in ‘102’ cards & on stockcards
                                                                  etc. F-VF (Many 100’s) ....... Face 682.00               & pages. Contains a variety cancel types incl
                                                                 USED CANADA COLLECTION 1897-1993:                         precancels, roller cancels, squared circles, du-
                                                                 267. Ú Coll / accum mounted in order on 3-                plex, CDS’s, flags, etc. Majority VG-VF (134)
                                                                  Ring pages. Has a wide range of commems,                 .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                  defins, coils, some blocks, plus special deliv-         CANADA
                                                                  eries, dues, officials, etc. The older issues           MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $342:
                                                                  has various QV; Maps (8); KE to 20¢; various            297. Û Mint NH accum of many diff issues
                                                                  Quebecs to 10¢; Admirals; 50¢ Bluenose;  USA HOTEL COVERS:  loose in a sleeve, from 1970’s-90’s. Has
                                        CANADA MINT 50¢ GRAND PRE:  $1 Parliament (2); later values to 50¢, $1; etc.  281. Ö Attractive coll of 38 Hotel covers from  singles, blocks, Plate Blocks, booklet singles,
            CANADA COMPLETE ARCH SET:  251. Û 176, Useful lot of 6 mint singles.  Lots of Cat value here. Mostly VG-VF (Many  1904-49, mostly all with illustrated advertis-  coils, etc. VF, NH ........... Face 342.00
         233. Û 162-83, Complete KGV Arch set up  This has always been a scarce & desirable  100’s)..................... Est 175.00+  ing. Terrific range of Hotels from across  USA PRESIDENTIAL USED PLATE BLOCKS:
          to $1 Cavell (plus a couple extra printing  stamp. F-VF. Cat $1,350 ..... Est 325.00+  CANADA SPECIAL EVENT COVERS:  the country. A nice coll from the golden age  298. ÕÚ 816/832, Interesting coll of 15 diff
          types) & all coils. F-VF. Cat $714 ........  CANADA PICTURE POSTAGE PANES:  268. Ö Interesting coll of 59 Special Event  of hotels. VG-VF, couple are fronts.......  Prexie issues in used Plate Blocks. All diff as
          ......................... Est 200.00+  252. Û 2063-4, Picture Postage self-adhesive  covers & cards, from 1928-87. Has Provincial  ......................... Est 225.00+  to issue, plate & position. F-VF (58 diff incl
        CANADA OFFICIAL PLATE BLOCKS:  panes of 21 ea, from 2004. VF, NH Cat 90.00  Exhibitions from Saskatoon, Edmonton, PNE  CANADA KGV MINT NH BLOCKS:  10 M/S’s) .................. Est 125.00+
                                                                  Vancouver, Regina, etc. Also Stamp Exhibi-
        234. ÕÛ O1/O20, Coll of 18 diff Official Plate  USA USED STOCK:  tions, CNE, Stand Dam 1942 opening covers  282. ÕÛ 142/215, C4, Nice coll of 12 diff
         Blocks. Also #O38a Flying G Plate Block. VF,  253. Ú Thousands of stamps mainly sorted  with used blocks of #253 & 256. F-VF .....  mint KGV blocks from 1927-35. F-VF, NH.
         NH. Cat $375............... Est 110.00+  on stockcards plus some in glassines. Has  ........................... Est 80.00+  Cat $545 .................. Est 135.00+
                                      older to modern with a tremendous range
        CANADA QV SMALL QUEEN                                    USED CANADA KGV WHOLESALE:  CANADA COLLECTION 1870-1988:
        ACCUMULATION:                 of commems, defins & some back of book.  269. Ú 149, 153, 155-7, 161-2, 169-70, 172-5,  283. ÚÛ Coll on pages with an extensive
        235. Ú 35/43, Duplicated accum of Sm Queens  Ideal lot for varieties & cancels. Majority VG-F  180-3, Wholesale lot of KGV Scroll & Arch  range of issues with commems, defins, se-
         semi-sorted in glassines & on stockcards.  (1,000’s)................... Est 200.00+  issues with 100 of each. The good #156-7 are  tenants, Xmas, some booklets, BOB, etc.
         Primarily 3¢ but does have some other values.  CANADA USED MIXTURE:  mainly selected lightly cancelled examples.  The pre 1960 has used & mint, thereafter it is
         Incl a range of shades & cancel types. Mainly  254. Ú Cookie tin with a loose unsorted off  F-VF. Cat $4,500+........... Est 375.00+  almost all mint. Also has a small coll of New-
         VG-VF (Approx 1,270)........ Est 200.00+  paper mixture of Canadian stamps, mainly  CANADA FDC COLLECTION:  foundland. VG-VF (Many 100’s) Est 350.00+
        MINT UNITED STATES FACE $157:  1950’s-90’s era. Has commems, pictorials,  270. Ö Beautiful coll of official cach FDC’s,  CANADA
        236. Û Unsorted accum of mints from the  defins, Xmas, etc (1,000) ..... Est 100.00+  most 1970s-90’s. Some franked by Plate  SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAIL COVERS:
         1970’s-2000’s. Has sheets, blocks, se-  ESTATE SHOEBOX OF USA:  Blocks. We saw attractive topical commems  284. Ö CL40, CL46, CL46i, Western Canada  ONTARIO POSTCARDS
         tenants, multiples, etc. F-VF, primarily NH ..  255. ÚÛ Shoebox full with an accum of mate-  & defins to $5. VF, unaddr. Face value of  Airways & Cherry Red Airline incl “Snow on  WITH MULTI-VIEWS:
          ......................... Face 157.00  rial from one estate. Has stamps in glassines,  stamps alone is $155+ (167).... Est 75.00+  Wings” variety tied on 3 diff covers. Incl to/  299. Ö Fascinating coll of 27 diff mainly used
                                      in ‘102’ cards, a bundle of glassines with
        USA SOUVENIR CARDS 1971-1980:                                                         from Prince Albert & Ile a La Crosse 25 Dec  colour photo multi-view postcards, from
        237. Û SC11/SC68, NSC4, NSC6, Attractive  mint coils, bundle of mint airmail blocks,  1929 & 4 Feb 1930 FFC’s; Western Canada  1910’s-20’s. Depict industry, street scenes,
                                      other BOB, Revenues, duplicated commems,
         coll of 18 diff Philatelic & numismatic souvenir  defins, etc. (1,000’s) ......... Est 250.00+  Airways Airmail cover from Jackson Manion  parks, schools, churches, etc. We saw
         cards. VF.............. 2024 Scott 78.00                                             to Hawkesbury, Ont. 13 Feb 1928. F-VF (3)  cards from Belleville, Barrie, Hamilton, Jack-
                                     CANADA KGVI USED COILS                                   .......................... Est 100.00+
        MINT CANADA FACE VALUE $425:  WHOLESALE CAT $5,570:                                                                son’s Point, Petrolia & 16 from Toronto. Also
        238. Û Accum of mints from the 1960’s-90’s,                                                                        one from Saskatoon. Most F . . Est 175.00+
         primarily commems. Has singles, blocks,  256. Ú 238/300, Used wholesale lot of 16 diff                           CANADA SEMI-POSTAL
         multiples, Plate Blocks & sheets. F-VF,  KGVI Coils in glassines, from 1937-50. Has                              USED WHOLESALE:
         appears NH................ Face 425.00  from 100 to 1,850 of each with singles plus                              300. Ú B1/B11, Used wholesale lot in glassines
                                      some in pairs or strips. Majority VG-VF. Cat
        CANADA                        $5,570 (9,700).............. Est 400.00+                                             & bundles, from 1974-6. Has 9 diff issues,
        MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $424:                                                                                       from 7 to 738 of each. Most F-VF. Cat $798
        239. Û Pristine mint accum loose in a sleeve,  UNITED STATES                                                       (1,520) ..................... Est 40.00+
                                     ACCUMULATION IN A BOX:
         mainly 1970’s-80’s. Hundreds of diff stamps  257. ÚÛ Diverse accum loose in a box, early                         CANADA POSTAGE LOT FACE $1,425:
         with singles, sets, blocks, plate blocks, se-  to modern. Contains stamps in glassines, on                       301. Û Box filled with an accum of mints mostly
         tenant multiples, etc. VF, NH . . Face 424.00
                                      pages & stockcards; FDC’s, special event &                                           from the 1970’s-2000’s. All are neatly sorted in
        SASKATCHEWAN 1948 DOCUMENT:   commercial covers; plus postal stationery;                                           glassines by denomination from 3¢ up to 95¢.
        240. Ú SE16 (2), SE21d (Extra row of vertical  etc. Also coll in like-new Minkus All American  NEW BRUNSWICK PLATE PROOFS:  Has many nice singles, multiples, souvenir
         perfs), SE25 (2), Tied on Electrical Inspection  Album (pages to 1982), etc. Much to sort  285. Û 7P/11P, Coll of 10 diff Plate Proofs  sheets, Booklets, & more. Lots to sort through!
         Document from Regina 8 Ap, 1948. Unfortu-  through. Most VG-VF (1,000’s) . Est 250.00+  on India Paper or card. Has various colours  Generally VF, NH (Few 1,000) Face 1,425.00
         nately 2 stamps faulty (incl SE21d) from                                              & 3 with “SPECIMEN”. F-VF. Cat $655....  CANADA
         being pulled from a ledger otherwise F. RARE                                          ......................... Est 250.00+  MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $554:
         USAGE OF THE VARIETY ON A DOCUMENT                                                                               302. Û Accum of 100’s of mint stamps, mainly
         ........................... Est 90.00+                                              CANADA 2¢ MAP STAMPS:
                                                                                             286. Ú 85-6, Used accumulation of 125  1970’s; plus some later cpl sheets & booklets.
        ALBERTA CONSERVATION STAMPS:                                  MINT CANADA 1911-1960’s:  stamps of the 2¢ Map. Has a wide range of  Majority are M/S Plate Blocks in packs as
        241. SSÛ AWF1b, AW1f, Alberta Conservation               271. Û Two stockcards full with a nice coll of  shades. Unchecked by us for plates, extra  received from Canada Post. Many diff topical
         Fund sheetlets of4&8.VF, NH . Cat 193.00                 mint Canada. Lots of better items here incl  islands, re-entries, etc. Most F or better ..  commems & pictorials here. VF, NH.......
                                                                  7¢ & 50¢ Admiral; 20¢ Scroll; 50¢ Vancou-  .......................... Est 325.00+  ......................... Face 554.00
                                                                  ver; $1 Destroyer; good BOB with E1 (2);                BOX FULL OF
                                                                  E4, E8, EO1-2, F2 (2); MR7a, O10-11, O27,               UNITED NATIONS FIRST DAY COVERS:
                                                                  etc. F-VF. We estimate Cat $2,500 (170) ..              303. Ö Box full with an unsorted accum of
                                                                   ......................... Est 550.00+                   cach New York FDC’s from the 1950’s-80’s.
                                                                                                                           Duplicated but a terrific variety of issues with
                                                                  USA DEFINITIVE COLLECTION:                               singles, sets, inscription blocks, etc. Plus
                                                                  272. ÚÛ 26/1603, Wide ranging coll of defins             some from Geneva. Also has some used /
                                                                  neatly arranged on pages, from 1857 up to                unused Postal Stationery (100’s) Est 175.00+
                                                                  1975 (mostly on White Ace pages). Some                  CARTON OF USA WHOLESALE:
                                                                  highlights are used 68-9 ($155), 73 ($70),
                                         UNITED STATES AIRMAILS   78b ($450), 93 ($55), 112-5 ($485), 117                 304. Ú Carton with a mass of older to modern
          CANADA PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE:  ACCUMULATION IN FOUR-VOLUMES:  ($130), 151-2 ($425), 165 ($150), plus mint     used USA in duplicated quantities. Has
         242. Ö 211-4, Four cacheted Pilgrimage to  258. ÚÛ C6/C150, Primarily used accum /  65 ($125), 1030-53 & 1278-95 ($144), etc.  stamps in glassines, in envelopes, in pack-
          Vimy Ridge covers from 1936. Each has  dealer’s stock neatly arranged & written up  Majority VG-VF, some NH (622) Est 500.00+  ages, in sleeves, etc. Has defins, commems,
          “S.S. MONTROSE” ship cancel. F-VF.....  on pages, from 1923 up to 2012. Selected        USA COLUMBIAN SET TO $5:  Xmas, coils, etc. Also some on paper (Many
          ......................... Est 100.00+  for shades, cancels & minor varieties. Has  EARLY NEWFOUNDLAND COVERS:  287. Û 230-45, Cpl mint / unused set of 1893  1,000’s) ................... Est 150.00+
                                      blocks of 4 or more, coils, Booklet panes &  273. Ö 44/83, Interesting accum of covers  CANADA ANNUAL COLLECTIONS
        TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER 1839:    singles, etc; from 1 to over 100 of each. We  from 1893-99, primarily from a correspon-  Columbian issues to $5. F-VF appearances,  1977-2001 FACE $601:
        243. Ö Stampless cover neatly written up on  noted Baby Zepp #C18 used (10 - $450),  dence to Sackville, New Brunswick. These  a few with small thins, NG or RG (16).....  305. Û Cpl run of 25 diff mint official Annual
         an exhibition page carried aboard Black Ball  etc. Majority VG-VF (1,000’s). . Est 600.00+  incl numerous TPO cancels on reverse incl  ....................... Est 3,500.00+  Colls. Also incl Millennium coll. VF, NH (26)
         Line ship “The Cambridge” from New York to               Halls Bay TPO, Coastal TPO North, Bonavista  CANADA COMPLETE OHMS OFFICIALS:  ......................... Face 601.00
         Liverpool, forwarded to Brading, Isle of Wight  CARTON OF CANADA  Bay TPO. Also a few other items incl 1937  288. Û O1-15A, CO1, EO1, Cpl OHMS. VF,  LARGE CARTON FULL OF USA MIXTURE:
         near Ryde. Has neat boxed RYDE / PENNY  QE CENTENNIAL COVERS:  cach cover for 100th Anniversary of Queen  NH ........................ Cat 593.00  306. Ú Large carton with approx 24 pounds
         POST" transit. Lengthy contents. F, small flts.  259. Ö Carton with a large accum of approx  Victoria’s Accession to the Throne. Very  CANADA BACK OF THE BOOK:  of stamps on paper (plus some off paper).
         Ex Pullin................... Est 150.00+  2,300 covers / cards from the 1960’s-70’s.  mixed condition (32) ......... Est 150.00+  289. ÚÛ C1/O49, Nice clean coll neatly  Primarily 1950’s-2000’s but have some older.
        CANADA COLLECTION             Has values from 1¢-15¢, singles & 2 stamp               displayed on pages with Airmails complete,  Incl defins, commems, coils, Xmas, etc
        2015-2018 FACE $585:          frankings, town cancels, slogans, corner                Special Deliveries complete, Postage Dues  (10,000’s).................. Est 250.00+
        244. Û Coll of mints on pages from 2015-8.  cards, some coils, Reg’d, Canada Post     complete, War Tax complete; then extensive
         Loaded with many “P” stamps, souvenir /  Postage Due cards, & more. A great lot for  Officials incl O10 mint, O11 used. Also has
         miniature sheets, & more. VF, NH (Few 100)  the Centennial collector & rarely offered in  CO1-2, EO1-2 which are mostly used. Some
          ......................... Face 585.00  this quantity. VG-VF......... Est 600.00+    issues have extras, shades & printings. F-VF
                                     CANADA COVERS WITH U-Z                                   (188) ..................... Est 250.00+
                                     SLOGAN CANCELS 1910’s-1980’s:                           YUKON AIRWAYS FIRST FLIGHTS:
                                     260. Ö Box full with an interesting duplicated          290. Ö CL42, Yukon Airways tied on 3 diff
                                      coll / accum of commercial covers, postcards            cach FFC’s. Has White Horse to Carcross &
                                      & postal stationery with slogan cancels start-          return; & Atlin to Carcross 13 Apr 1928. F-VF
                                      ing with letters “U” to “Z”. Has a variety of  USA GLADYS ADLER  (3) ....................... Est 150.00+
                                      frankings, rates & corner cards. We saw  HAND PAINTED COVERS:
                                      V - for Victory types, Quebec Provincial Expo  274. Ö Beautiful group of 5 diff GLADYS
                                      1950, Montreal Expo 1936, Pacific Ntl Exhibi-  ADLER HAND PAINTED WWII Patriotic
                                      tion 1958, Western Fair, London 1914, etc.  covers from 1944-5. Incl Lucky 7th, Fighting  CANADA OFFICIAL FDC’s 1971-2006:
                                      VG-VF, some flts (Approx 725) . Est 250.00+  to Free the People’s, Avenged, In Tokyo We  307. Ö 535/2141, B1-12, Beautiful coll of offi-
                                     CANADA COVERS CIRCULAR CANCELS:  Meet, & Keep Your Boots Working. F-VF (5)            cial cach FDC’s. All diff as to issue, franking,
                                     261. Ö Carton weighing 35 pounds with an ex-  ......................... Est 250.00+   & Plate Block position (many franked by
                                      tensive coll of all diff commercial covers with  USA 1862 TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER:      Plate Blocks). Has commem singles & sets,
            UNITED STATES DUCK STAMPS:  selected circular cancels, from 1940’s-2000’s  275. Ö 65, 69, Tied on Trans-Atlantic cover  booklet panes, coils, se-tenant multiples,
         245. Ú RW4/RW57, Coll of over 50 diff Duck  (primarily 1980’s-90’s). Sorted by Province,  carried aboard Allan Line ship “SS Norwegian”  defins to $8 Grizzly, Xmas, etc. Topicals
          Stamps from 1937-90, mainly used. A few  in alphabetical order, nationwide incl NWT &  from Boston to Paris via London & Calais. F,  & themes abound. VF, unaddr (812)......
                                                                                                                           ......................... Est 375.00+
          flts but mostly F-VF. 2025 Scott $1,100 ...  Nfld. Has CDS’s split rings, duplex, modern  roughly opened at back. Nicely written up on
          ......................... Est 500.00+  illustrated types, some are Reg’d, some  an exhibition page explaining the markings. A  SHOEBOX OF UNITED STATES:
                                      Postal Stationery items. Majority VG-VF. A               TORONTO MULTI-VIEW POSTCARDS:  308. Ú Shoebox with a huge board of loose
        STOCKCARD WITH USA & UN:      great lot for the town collector (Approx 4,500)  nice French Treaty Mail cover. . Est 275.00+
        246. ÚÛ Double-sided stockcard with one  .......................... Est 400.00+  USA 1862 TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER:  291. Ö Interesting coll of 21 diff better  used USA from older to recent. Completely
         side having USA & the other United Nations.             276. Ö 70 (2), Tied by grid cancels on Trans-  calibre postcards circa 1900’s-14’s, all with  unsorted & loaded with a wide variety of
         The USA is by far the best incl used sets of  CANADA POSTAGE DUES WHOLESALE:  Atlantic ship cover 22 Oct, 1862 carried  multi-scenes. Has scenes of parks, hotels,  commems, defins, BOB, & more. An enor-
                                                                                               churches, city regiments, CNE, canoe club,
         Pilgrim, Huguenot, Norse, Lexington, C4-6,  262. Ú J1/J27, Used wholesale lot of 13 diff in  aboard Cunard liner “Persia” from Brooklyn to  streets, etc. F, used & unused. Est 150.00+  mous quantity of stamps here! Generally
         50¢ Zeppelin, etc. The UN has used & mint  glassines, from 100 to 1,337 of each, from  London via New York & Queenstown. Lengthy  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 250.00+
         1950’s-60’s with duplicated sets. F-VF (Few  1906-67. Majority VG-VF. Cat $8,700 (8,300)  correspondence between brothers, thanking  MINT CANADA 1950’s-1980’s INCL $1  UNITED STATES MIXTURE:
         100) ...................... Est 135.00+  .......................... Est 250.00+  the other for a gift of cash which forestalled  TOTEM & $1 FISH PLATE BLOCKS:  309. Ú Cookie tin full with a loose off paper
                                     MINT CANADA FACE $800:       his “volunteering” into the Union Forces on a  292. Û Accum on stockcards with a nice range  mixture of older to modern stamps. Has a
         CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1970:  263. Û Box full of Canadian mints from the  Naval Blockade ship. F, one stamp faulty.  of mints with commems, defins, blocks, etc.  wide array of defins, commems, coils, Xmas,
         247. ÚÛ 14/514p, BOB, Primarily mint  1950’s-80’s, all sorted in glassines by denomi-  Neatly written up on an exhibition page. Inter-  The best items are a $1 Fish Plate Block (Cat  etc (1,000’s)................ Est 150.00+
          coll neatly arranged on stockcards. Some  nation with values up to 17¢. Wide variety  esting Civil War related item . . . Est 225.00+
          collected both as singles & blocks. Some  of commems, defins & Xmas with singles,  CANADA KGV ADMIRAL BOOKLET PANES:  $250) & $1 Totem single & Plate Blocks (Cat  CANADA SLOGAN CANCELS ON COVER:
          highlights are mint 51-2 NH ($210), 76 NH  blocks, Plate Blocks, se-tenants, etc. F-VF,  277. Û 105a-b, 106a, 107b, 108a-9a, Six diff  $58). Also a few odd items incl a nice 1967  310. Ö Box with a broad-ranging accum of
                                                                                              Centennial book with stamps to $1. F-VF
          ($140), 85-6 ($50), 122 ($80), 133 NH pair  NH....................... Face 800.00  Admiral Booklet Panes. F-VF . . . Cat 422.00  (Over 300) ................. Est 225.00+  covers & postcards selected for slogan can-
          ($60), 141-8 NH ($165), 202 & 204 ($62),  BOX FULL OF CANADA:                                                    cels, mainly 1930’s-70’s. Has nationwide
                                                                                                                           slogan cancels, variety of frankings, corner
          225-6 NH ($82), 261-2 ($120), 302 ($60),  264. Ú Box full with a mass of unsorted used                           cards, etc. Majority VG-VF. A great lot for the
          plus used 149-59 ($220). Majority VG-VF,  Canada. Primarily 1950’s-90’s era but does                             specialist (Approx 1,050 covers) Est 200.00+
          some NH. Cat approx $3,300 (467).......  have some older. Has stamps in envelopes, in
          ......................... Est 800.00+                                                                           SHOEBOX FULL OF
                                      glassines, on pages, loose, etc. with commems,                                      USA MIXTURE OFF PAPER:
        EXHIBIT ON THE                pictorials, defins, etc. No rarities here - just lots                               311. Ú Shoebox full with over 3 pounds of
        FRECHETTE/HOWELLS FAMILY:     of stamps to sort & organize. VG-VF (1,000’s)                                        loose unsorted mixture, mainly from 1930’s-
        248. Û An interesting exhibition collection on  .......................... Est 135.00+                             90’s. Has 1,000’s of stamps with commems,
         Annie Howells & Achille Frechette - two                                                                           defins, Xmas, coils, etc. Also has a bundle
         cultural people (one an American, the other                                                                       of FDC’s which were counted for nothing in
         Canadian) who married & lived in the late                                                                         our estimate. Mostly VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) .
         19th & early 20th Century mainly in Ottawa.                                                                       .......................... Est 200.00+
         The exhibit tells the story of their lives with            YUKON AIRWAYS & EXPLORATION                           UNITED STATES WHOLESALE LOT:
         the aid of covers & Can/USA stamps. Also                       FLIGHT COVERS 1928:       CANADA VALENTINE & SONS  312. Ú Shoebox with a wholesale used accum
         has additional reference material for more              278. Ö CL42, Six diff cach 1928 Flight covers.  PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:  from the 1960’s-2000’s. All semi-sorted by
         exhibit pages, some stamps & a hardcover                 Nice semi-official airmail covers in lovely  293. Ö Attractive coll of 29 different better  kind into bundles / part bundles of varying
         book on the couple. VF ....... Est 100.00+               condition. F-VF. Cat $390 .... Est 225.00+  calibre multi-view colour Valentine & Sons  sizes. Has a wide array of commems, defins
                                                                                               Patriotic postcards with Maple Leaf & gold
        USED CANADA CE1 SHEET:                                   CANADA                        trim borders, circa 1900’s-10’s. Has 20  up to $1 & $2, Xmas, airmails, etc. Also some
        249. Ú CE1, Complete sheet of 50 (with two               MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $402:                              United Nations. A useful lot for a dealer or
         Plate #1 Blocks). Neat Montreal 1946 CDS’s.  UNITED STATES  279. Û Many diff stamps on stockcards & loose  “Best Wishes from Canada” & 9 “Greetings  packet maker (1,000’s) ....... Est 150.00+
         F-VF, folded, some minor separation ......  GOLD STAMP REPLICAS 1980-1984:  in a sleeve, from 1970’s to 2000’s (mainly  from Canada” designs depicting city & town  USA MYSTERY BOX:
         ........................... Est 50.00+  265. Ö Extensive coll of stamp proof replicas  1980’s). Appear to be mostly commems incl  scenes; plus Sports, etc. from across the  313. ÚÛ Diverse range of material loose in
                                                                                               nation. Most F-VF, mainly used Est 300.00+
        CANADA “POST PAR” LOCAL SHEET:  with 24Kt surface gold. All are encapsulated  panes & souvenir sheets, plus Plate Blocks,  a carton early to modern. Has stamps in
        250. Û Cpl sheet of 32 of the orange 30¢ Post  into the design of cach FDC’s from 1980-84.  coils, etc. VF, NH (Many 100’s) Face 402.00  MANITOBA WILDLIFE HABITAT STAMPS:  sleeves & glassines; on pages & stockcards;
         Par local from 1988. This was a Montreal  Many beautiful issues here with gleaming  CANADA 1967 IMPERFORATE TEST COILS:  294. Û MWF1-5, Also MWF5b, Nice coll of  stockbook; covers, postcards & Postal Statio-
         based local mail delivery service started in  replicas. These were issued by the Postal  280. Û Canadian Bank Note Co. imperforate  Manitoba Wildlife Stamps from 1994-8, in  nery; souvenir items; odds & ends; etc. Broad
         response to the 1987 postal strike. Because  Commemorative Society with each cover  TEST COIL partial roll of 81, with the original  special booklets. VF, NH....... Cat 169.00  range of defins, topical commems & pictorials;
         it delivered mail cheaper than Canada Post it  having a special descriptive souvenir card.  dispenser. The Test Coils are listed in the  CANADA AIRMAIL SPECIAL DELIVERY:  plus back of book. Good source for cancels &
         was shut down by a court order. VF. Cat $160  Most in specialty albums. VF. HIGH  current 2023 Unitrade Catalogue on page  295. Û CE4, Accum of 90 stamps in multiples.  varieties. Hours of sorting pleasure. Majority
         ........................... Est 40.00+  ORIGINAL COST (180) ...... Est 350.00+  169. VF, NH .............. Cat 2,800.00+  Fresh, VF, NH ............. Cat 1,012.00  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 275.00+
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11