Page 13 - Yearbook Template 2019-2020
P. 13

To Members and Advisors of Colorado DeMolay,

         First, I wanted to start by saying that I am beyond thankful for
         all of your continuous support and positivity throughout this
         year. From the very first event to Zoom meetings, they have
         brought me tremendous excitement getting to see all of you
         and enjoying the time we have spent together. For everyone
         that has donated money to the program, thank you so very
         much; I appreciate your generosity more than can be ex-
         My journey in DeMolay has been very long and very memora-
         ble. Being able to help out with the boys in the chapters and
         watch them grow into amazing young men, I am so grateful I
         got to know you all. I first took part in this organization in Oc-
         tober of 2008. My family and I attended a Halloween dance at
         the Golden Lodge. We were asked if the Rainbow girls could
         use our decorations for it, especially the coffin that my father
           had built.
         I showed up in a Wednesday Adams costume, and I was very curious about what this organization could bring. From
           then on, I’ve basically grown up in Colorado DeMolay, getting to know many different young men and women that I’m
         grateful to call brothers and sisters today. As I turned ten years old, I joined Bethel #40 in Denver, getting to know that
         area of the youth groups and getting to take my own path with things but still staying close to DeMolay because of my
         older brother, Sean.

         What I’ve learned over the years is that it’s very rare you can find a great young man, as you will find in DeMolay.
         These young men know well how to do everyday things and choose whether or not to uphold these teachings, showing
         off great strengths and weaknesses that can be easily repaired. Ever since I have met past sweethearts Angela Wempe,
         Caty Stacy, and plenty of others, I have seen them as role models, and as women I admire. From having the honor of
         being High Plains Chapter Sweetheart 2015-2016 to having the title of Colorado State Sweetheart, this journey has been
         one I will never forget. Thank you for everyone that has become my family and will forever be a part of my life.

         Getting to travel with the Stateline and seeing other State dignitaries has been rewarding and exciting. To my State Mas-
         ter Councilor Seaghan...Man, you definitely can give a great speech. You’re very great at projecting what you are think-
         ing into words that people will understand and will want to stand by your side to lend a helping hand. Good luck with
         finishing college and running for Congress secretary. To my state deputy, Jake, and Scribe Chase, you two really know
         how to hold the reigns of Stateline duties and responsibilities, good luck with the following year, and never ever lose
         hope on what the future holds.

         To the Stateline Advisors, thank you for keeping me going and encouraging me to do the best of my abilities. To Mom
         and Dad Sellars, thank you for never giving up on me and being patient with me. Especially to you, Mom Sellars,
         through all the tears, from having a meltdown, or just from laughing so hard from little things like adding funny rhymes
         at the end of text conversations, thank you. To my parents and Sean, thank you for being my Advisors to an amazing
         variety of events to attend and always joking around with me that we need to make a reality show about all this. Thank
         you for also being patient with me and picking me back up when knowing I’m stronger than this. Thank you, Dad, for all
         of the plane rides to and from Seattle and bringing me back to reality when I can’t help but pull things out of perspective.
         To Washington DeMolay, thank you very much for giving the honor of attending a few of your events and zoom calls.
         To State Master Councilor Colton, I am so thankful that you have stepped up at my first Washington event and made me
         feel welcome. For the Stateline officers and Advisors of Washington, thank you for laughing at my bizarre jokes and
         sassiness from helping out with the event all day. Hopefully, my attendance will make an impact on bringing back the
         Sweetheart program over there. Definitely, I will be coming back to visit when it is safe again. Thank you again to eve-
         ryone for your kind words of encouragement and understanding of the strange but amazing year it has been.

         Now here’s a quote from my favorite childhood movie, A Cinderella Story (2004), ”Never let the fear of striking out,
         keep you from playing the game.”

         Respectfully Submitted,
         Maria Putman
         State Sweetheart 2019-2020
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