P. 5

PROCEDURE                              MINIMUM
         Major Surgical Procedures          Open Appendicectomy                                            25,000

                                            Lap appendicectomy Simple                                      30,000

                                            Lap appendicectomy complicated                                 50,000
                                            Inguinal Hernioplasty Open - Unilateral                        25,000

                                            Inguinal Hernioplasty Open - Bilateral                         40,000
                                            Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernioplasty (TEP/ TAPP)                 50,000

                                            - Unilateral

                                            Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernioplasty (TEP/ TAPP)                 75,000
                                            - Bilateral

                                            Lap cholecystectomy simple                                     50,000
                                            Lap cholecystectomy difficult                                   65,000

                                            Lap difficult cholecystectomy conversion to open                 70,000

                                            Haemorrhoidectomy                                              30,000
                                            Stapler harmorrhoidectomy                                      30,000

                                            Fistulectomy (Low, Short)                                      30,000
                                            Fistulectomy  (High, Long)                                     50,000

                                            Sphincterotomy/ Fissure in Ano Surgery                         20,000

                                            Congenital Hernia                                              30,000
                                            Laser fistula / haemorrhoid                                     25,000

                                            Laser Varicose Veins                                           30,000

                                            Laser Pilonidal Sinus                                          35,000
                                            Pilonidal Sinus                                                25,000

                                            Pilonidal Sinus With Flap Surgery                              45,000
                                            Hydrocele                                                      25,000

                                            Epigastric Hernia                                              30,000
                                            Umbilical Hernia                                               30,000

                                            Lap Umbilical/ Epigastric Hernia                               50,000

                                            Incisional Hernia                                              40,000
                                            Lap Incisional Hernia                                          60,000

                                            Diagnos c Laparoscopy                                          25,000

                                            Lap Adhesionolysis - Simple adhesions                          30,000
                                            Lap Adhesionolysis - Difficult high risk adhesions               40,000

                                            Laparotomy                                                     50,000
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