P. 19


         Azza Waheed Khalaf                                                                                  ID:1313

        Shock  is  a  manifestation  of  circulatory  failure  that  threats  lives.  Cellular  and  tissue  hypoxia  are  results  of
        circulatory shock which lead to cellular death and dysfunction of very important and vital organs. Effects of shock
        are reversible in early stages. Any delay in diagnosis and  treatment can lead to irreversible changes  that threat
        lives including multiorgan failure and death.

        Types  of shock:

            •  Distributive shock.Distributive shock.
            •  Hypovolemic shock.
            •  Cardiogenic shock.
            •  Obstructive shock.
        1)Distributed shock:

         Characterized by peripheral vasodilatation. It is the most common type of  shock.

           Types of distributive shock:

               •  *Septic Shock.
               •  *Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
               •  *Anaphylactic Shock.
               •  *Neurogenic Shock.
               •  *Endocrine Shock.
        2)Hypovolemic Shock:
        Characterized by decreased intravascular volume and
        increased systemic venous assistance. In the later stages
        of shock cardiac output decreased anvd manifest as
        hypotension due to progressive volume depletion.
        Following Distributive Shock it is the second common
        type of shock.
            Types of Hypovolemic Shock:

               •  *Hemorrhagic Hypovolemic Shock.
               •  *Non-hemorrhagic Hypovolemic Shock.
                                                                              Management of Cardiogenic Shock
         3)Cardiogenic Shock:
          Characterized due to intracardiac causes that lead to decreasing cardiac output and  systemic
        hypoperfusion. It is third common type of shock.
         4)Obstructive Shock: Characterized mostly due to extracardiac causes that lead to decreasing in the left
        ventricular cardiac output.

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