P. 30
Life is a gift , wrapped in smile, happiness, love, and blessings
For all the blessings that God has gave me, I consider my
LIFE as the best gift God has given me. I'm so happy I was
able to indulge and spend my life with those people who are
so important to me. It is indeed a great journey to me. Living
in this world as they say is not easy. You encounter lots of
challenges that sometimes make you feel that you are
invaluable and useless. But we should always remember that
God has given us challenges not to destroy us but to
strengthen and be ready for the next battle of life. YES! Its Aman Yadav
not easy but the process is a great experience that you can Class - IV - B
never forget.
My life is a gift, I appreciate everything I have. "If you look at
what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look
at what you don't have in life, you will never have enough.
My life has been a blessing. I am grateful for everything I do
have and the places I am going and the thing I have seen" Life
is very valuable gift which is given by God, to us and we
must be thankful to him for giving such a precious gift. Life
is not only valuable for the human but it is also equally
Trinay Gulati
Class - IV - B valuable for other living beings also.
A gift is viewed as something you need, valuable and
mysterious life is the most priceless and precious gift, our
parents have bestowed upon us it's a fascinating journey full
of adventures with unknown and unexpected elements it can
ll us with love happiness and a feeling of purpose life is an art
for some which they wish to paint in vibrant colours while it
is a science of others which must be mastered with discipline
and punctuality. Ananya Tiwari
Class - IV - B