P. 34


                                             HELLO EVERYONE

             Without wasting your precious time lets start our riddles
             1. You bury me when I'm alive you dig me up when I'm dead
             Ans:) A plant

             2. Peter's father have ve sons
             , fafa fufu, fefe. What is the name of the fth son?
             Ans :) Peter
             3. What can you catch but not throw

             Ans :) Cold
             4. Tam tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old
             Ans:) A Candle

             5. What month of year have 28 days                                     Kavya Wadhwani
             Ans:) All of them                                                        Class - VIII - C
             6. What is full of holes but still holds water
             Ans:) sponge

             7. There's a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls,
             yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?
             Ans:) they aren't any _its a one story house A

             8. What gets wet while drying
             Ans:) A towel

                                       fo"k;& oLrq & esjk ifjokj esjh rkdr

                                     thou esa eqf'dy jkLrs Hkh vklku ls yxus yxrs gS tc ge

                                     vius ifjokj dh Åaxyh Fkkedj mu jkgkas ij pyrs gSA
                                     fdlh dk lkFk gks u gks bl nqfu;k esa ysfdu tc rd vkidk

                                     ifjokj vkids lkFk gksrk gS rc rd vkidks bl nqfu;k dh

                                     dks rkdr gjk ugh ldrh gSA

                                     fdlh dh mEehnksa ij [kjs mrjks vFkok er mrjks ysfdu vki

             Umeshpuri Goswami       vius ifjokj dh utjksa ds lkeus deh er fxjuk A
                  Class - I - B
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