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Though few are highly competent in performing various tasks but certain fail to

             perform these tasks as their counterparts, hence pathetically lag behind in innovative

             approach.  Consequently  felt  the  need  for  switching  over  to  some  other  more

             appropriate model to set straight the kinks in overall development of our personality

             when things go wrong, there arises fear and we start balming, God for this.
             Here arises a question - Are we humans programmed creatures because we don't see

             things as they are, we see them as we want or as we are.
             All aspects of our body follow a kind of software program to operate not just our minds

             but also to allow us to adopt to a changing environment.
             When things do not turn around according to our expectations by accomadating new

             experiences and reframing our modern way world works, we start learning from the

             experience of failure.
                    Leading a perfect life, is far better than a programmed life and the best way to live

             your life is to accept the changes around you, to accept the ideas and thoughts of other

             people and never allow your failure to be a barrier in the way of your success.
                   EINSTEIN HAD SAID THAT-
                                          " LIFE IS JUST LIKE RIDING A BICYCLE, MAINTAIN THE


                                By :- SST Group

                                                                      LIFE IS A GIFT

                                                                   Exercise is the lift
                                                                   A healthy body will energize

                                                                   A full life you will realise
                                                                   So take the time
                                                                   To stay fit

                                                                   And enjoy the gift
                                                                   For there is no other

                         Aaradhya Malviya                          One per person
                          Class- IV Sec- A                         So make it last
                                                                   Live for the future not the past

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