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             School is just like our second home &
             There are various ways by which we can do something for our
             - I am very disciplined. I respect my all teachers and follow all

             rules and regulations.
              - If I see anything against the rules and regulations,indiscipline

             or disobedience at the back of my teachers ,I try to control that.
             -I am regular and give my best in academics and in the field of
             sports or other co-curricular activities.
                                                                                          Anay Sharma
             - I try to participate in maximum activities.
                                                                                           Class- V - A
             - I try to contribute articles in school magazine.
             - I try to  guide my juniors and solve their I problems.
             - I always give factual feedback about school to the my teachers

                                   My School, My Second Home
                                           Þ esjh f'k{kd Þ
                lcls I;kjh esjh f'k{kd]                          jksrs jksrs tkrs gSa ulZjh esa tgka

                lcds eu dks Hkkrh f'k{kd                         ckjg lky ogka f[kyf[kykrs]
                dHkh gesa galkrh f'k{kd                          jgrs 8 ?kaVs tgka ge]
                cgqr I;kj trkrh f'k{kdAA                         ogha Ldwy nwljh ?kj gekjk dgykrkA

                [ksy f[kykrh gSa ds dHkh]                  fojy fojy feyrs gSa cPps]
                dgkuh dHkh lqukrh f'k{kd                         f'k{kd Hkh lrjaxh dgykrs]
                gksrk tc nnZ dksbZ gesa]                         dksbZ djrk I;kj cgqr]
                eka Hkh cu tkrh f'k{kd                           dksbZ f'k{kd [kwc gSa MkaV yxkrs]
                ,d fnu Hkh vPNk yxrk u ?kj esa]                  jg u ikrs fcuk blds]

                bruh I;kjh gSa gekjh f'k{kd AA                   eu dks Ldwy gesa cgqr gSa HkkrsAA

                "I love my all teachers and my sweet

                    second home my great School "

                                                         Divyansh Sahu
                                                           Class - II - C

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