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Chamber Information
The purpose of the Midland Hispanic The Midland Hispanic Chamber of
Chamber of Commerce is to unite Midland Commerce was founded in October of 1984
businesses and professionals under one by a group of local businesspersons and
organization, directed by the leadership professionals who felt there was a need to
and guidance of an elected policy-making form an organization that would cater to
Board of Directors. These individuals will the Hispanic businesses in the community.
work towards a common goal to bring Our vision of uniting the Hispanic
prosperity and pride to the members of businesses and professionals under one
the organization and to the community at umbrella - following the leadership and
large. guidance of an elected policy-making
Board of Directors, and working towards
MISSION: a common goal, will bring prosperity and
To promote the growth and prosperity pride not only to our members, but also to
of small businesses and the community. the community.
If you or your business would like to
GOALS & OBJECTIVES: become a member of the Midland Hispanic
• Promote procurement opportunities for Chamber of Commerce, visit us at www.
disadvantaged businesses. for more information.
• Market Midland as a visitor destination.
• Promote distressed area revitalization BUSINESS COUNSELING
through beautification, affordable From starting a business to expansion, the
housing and business microlending. chamber office provides a less intimidating
• Increase the quality of life by promoting and approachable atmosphere for
higher education and community and entrepreneurs who are seeking guidance
workplace diversity. and encouragement about their business.
• To serve as a focal point for information We prepare these entrepreneurs for their
and awareness pertaining to business upcoming business challenges such as
and civic related issues, job leads, etc. “do you have what it takes”, to “where to
• To promote and develop leadership begin”, to “growing challenges”. We also
within the membership and recognize discuss several small business issues such
outstanding achievements in as hiring/retaining employees, cost of
community and civic affairs. providing benefits, business taxes and
other challenges of owning a business.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: With our recent success in this program,
• MHCC Educational & Development we have seen a dramatic increase number
Foundation (501-C3) of contacts that have utilized our services.
• Lamesa Road Realignment Project (East We also avoid duplicating services by
Side Task Force) partnering with other community programs
• Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) such as the Midland College BEDC program
• Founded Midland Assoc. for Bilingual which provide business plan assistance,
Education seminars, and other counseling services.
• HUD 202 Project – “Parker Place” Elderly
• Unity Park “In Memory of Oralia Corrales” The Midland Hispanic Chamber of
• Reyes-Sanchez World War II Memorial Park Commerce’s Business Development Center
• Established Midland Community offers assistance and provides professional
Development Corporation office space and on-site business
consultations for early-stage businesses.
(Continued next page)
© 2017 Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 3