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Chamber Information
        (Continued from previous page)    attract business owners from different
        The Incubator Program utilizes shared   business backgrounds with an average
        resources that lower a company’s overhead   monthly attendance of 30. The Roundtable
        while increasing their capacity to succeed   has been a huge success by providing
        long-term. Nationwide, 87% of companies   a  vehicle  to  bring  business  owners  and
        started in incubator programs have gone on   people in business together to encourage
        to succeed and have remained in business.   and support each other.
        An average firm’s sales increased by more
        than 400% from the time they entered until   SCHOLARSHIPS
        the time they left the incubator program.  Each year the chamber works to raise
          The Midland Hispanic Chamber of   money to award scholarships to worthy
        Commerce is a committed leader of   recipients.  We are blessed to have the
        broad-based economic development in   Legacy scholarships available in Midland
        the Midland/Odessa area. Our goal is to   and strongly encourage students to
        support the small business community   complete  the  requirements.  However,
        by providing training, management and   we recognize that some students help
        financial resources, expertise and support   supplement family income and it is a
        networks that enable small businesses to   challenge to complete the volunteer hours.
        succeed and prosper.
                                          We also have some adults returning to
                                          college that need assistance. The chamber
        CAFÉ Y PAN DULCE                  strongly believes that a strong workforce
          Café y Pan Dulce (coffee and sweetbread)   begins with education. Scholarship
        is a networking breakfast held monthly   applications are available at the counselors
        on the last Wednesday of the month. It is   office’s of Midland High School, Midland
        designed to provide an opportunity for   Lee High School, Greenwood High School,
        small  business owners to  network,  while   and Midland College. You may also stop by
        hopefully taking away a bit of knowledge   our office to pick up an application.
        from our presenter. An average of twenty
        people are attending. It is hosted by a
        different member at their business location   PARTNER IN EDUCATION
        rather then at the chamber office.  MHCC supports MISD’s Partner in
                                          Education  program.  We  encourage  our
        BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE               members to mentor students at our
          Business Roundtable continues to   partner school, Crockett Elementary.

             The road to EAT, PLAY, SHOP, & STAY
               is endless when you visit Midland.

          (C) Steven Tippett
                             Monday-Saturday, 9a-5p
                                  (432) 687-8285
                           Located off I-20, Take Exit 136
        4                © 2017  Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
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