Page 5 - Melissa Directory
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About the Chamber

                                                Melissa Area

                                          Chamber of Commerce
                                            is a Great Investment
                                                 for Your Business

            he Melissa Area Chamber of  about  your  business  and  products.
        TCommerce has a rich history  The Melissa Chamber also has
        and a bright future.  The Chamber  monthly luncheons that give you
        offices are in the Historical Scott  the same opportunity with Melissa
        Barker House at 1501 W. Harrison  Chamber Members.
        St. (at Highway 5 North) in Melissa.
                                          The Melissa  Chamber  also has  an
        The  Melissa  Area  Chamber  of  Annual Banquet, the third Saturday
        Commerce is a thriving organization  in April, that is the ultimate
        which is a good investment for your  networking event.  The Annual
        business if you’re trying to reach the  Banquet also is an informative event
        Melissa  market.  The  Chamber  has  with lots of fun and a great meal.
        more than doubled in Membership
        the past three years, and is striving   The Melissa  Chamber  also has a
        to become the “heartbeat” of the   great new web site that gives you an
        Melissa Area. We are growing along   opportunity to have an updateable
        with Melissa.                     listing in the Business Directory.
                                          The web site is getting a lot of hits
        The  Melissa  Area  Chamber  of  from people looking for services in
        Commerce has many opportunities  and around the Melissa Area.  The
        for your business to reach the Melissa  web site also has a
        Area Market.  The Chamber has a  place where you can join the Melissa
        number of networking opportunities  Area  Chamber  of  Commerce,  pay
        that give you a chance to meet with  by credit card, and get in on all the
        numerous people in the Melissa Area  benefits of being a Member.
        and promote your business.
                                          This Directory also offers Members a
        The Melissa Area Chamber has  chance to have ads for their business
        quarterly luncheons along with  and a listing in the Business Directory
        the Anna,  Van Alstyne, and Howe  that  will  go  out  the  thousands  of
        Chambers  that  give  you  great  people living in or visiting Melissa.
        opportunities to spread the word                    (Continued on page 47)
        © 2018  Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce                        3
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