Page 2 - Fall Newsletter
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Starts at: 4:30 In some of the saddest news I’ve heard lately,
WE KNOW IT’S NOT FALL YET Location: upstairs conference room Alvar told us last week in our sales meeting that
What to Bring: your own sweet self the company tried valiantly to find a place to have
The cover photo was taken at a Home Depot When’s it Over: 5:30ish--it’s a happy “hour” a picnic this summer, but that everything, even
(How Doers Get More Done) store several, several the ditch out in front of our building was totally
years ago. But we decided to use it on this August booked. To make matters worse, we’ve had the
publication, because our next quarter newsletter beginning of a new fraternity of Covid variances,
won’t be out until those holidays that fall at the which tends to make some folks a little nervous
end of the year. And we are definitely hankering about crowdy places.
for a little bit of nip in the air.
I had been tasked with coming up with a shirt de-
So we’re pretending. :-) Note that you can see our sign for the event, which was to be a celebration
logo on the wheels of this cart. It was an amazing of our Heroes (at least, in my shirt designs it was).
display that we just happened across. We collected your ideas for the picnic some
months ago, and they were awesome. They al-
Easy way to tell people “who” P&H is: just men- most unanimously involved copious amounts of
tion that we make those blue wheels on the lum- alcoholic beverages and other really fun stuff :-)
ber carts at Home Depot. You won’t have to say
another word. Anyway, I understand the plans for the annual
Christmas party are beyond amazing, but you’ll
HAPPY? NO? WE CAN FIX THAT. find out about that in due time.
Speaking of good ways to chill out--Friday, In the meantime, 4 Heroes can win their choice of
August 20th is the Dog Days of Summer these 4 shirt designs by simply participating in my
monthly Happy Hour, which was rescheduled nifty little survey. Easy question: what’s your fa-
from last month due to an infection of apathy, vorite lunch look like? Leave your name this time
which spreads faster than Covid and is twice ONE OF THESE COULD BE so we know who wins right away :-)
as lethal. YOURS, HEROES. And to make it a little more delicious, I also will be
So, for those who said you are coming, please giving away 3 gift cards for eating stablishments
do, and for those who said you aren’t coming, so if you don’t win a Tshirt, you could wine free
you’re allowed to change your mind. lunch or dinner! 7 chances to win!
If you’re new here, please do come and get
to know who we are when we aren’t working.
Who knows? You might like us. Click on the win-win image to to access the sur-
vey online!
P&H’s team are relatively safe to hang out
with as many of our team have achieved nat-
ural immunity, and then there are others who
have opted for the jab. But we’ll have scissors
handy to make a drinking hole in your mask if
you want to take that approach. :-)
We’ll be having a mini wine tast-
ing as well as some Giggle punch
and some Tipsy Mermaids.
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