Page 4 - November Newsletter
P. 4
Must Be Present to Win!
event, I decided to run a little side bet contest. The
rules are only known to me, but you're going to want
You'd seriously have to be blind drunk not to have to enter if you want to win one of 2 of these won-
seen one of the many cutey posters that are pop- drous P&H Casters branded hoodies!
ulating the doors and bulletin boards all over the
building to remind you about the upcoming Friday Seriously, The winners will be determined using this
Happy HOUR!! criteria: 1) saintliest costume 2) more original cos-
tume 3) wackiest costume as determined by me
BUT, on the off chance that you haven't read past and maybe one or two other people :-)
the "Join us October 22nd @ 4:30 for some Hallow-
een Fun!" we want to point out that: Best of Luck!
1) you can wear a costume but it won't do you any
good because my costume will be the best hands
down. So save your energy and I won't have to P&HCASTERS
waste time competing for the prize!
2) Ask Alanna what's to drink! Brad says he likes
Cranberry Vodka, and red is a good color for Hal-
loween drinks so let's hope there's still booze budget
left over.
3) Because I don't have to do anything for this