Page 7 - November Newsletter
P. 7
How does that work now......
Over the past few years we have changed our "pro- I know that many processes have been temporarily
cesses" in some ways and because they happen changed to reflect non-standard shipping processes
more automatically most of the time, apparently impacted by the pandemic first and the post pan-
we tend to forget that they now work that way. Or demic supply chain issues after that.
So I hope that the lack of activity for website orders
But probably a good time to remind everyone that is related to these issues and not a problem with the
we have customers that place orders online over our process internally that has sidetracked the order
website. There are several order forms set up, like the process.
one below where customers can scroll through the
order form and select the products for their order, Questions or assistance needed with the ordering
select the method of shipping, record their payment process or problems with the form tool? Have prices
information and submit their order. After that, they changed for the orders being placed with this form?
receive an confirmation that shows what they or-
dered and our orders department receives a copy of Contact your closest marketing person. :-)
their order via email.
I checked this order form and I saw that there have
been no submissions of this form since August 24th.