Page 28 - Montrose Directory
P. 28
ain Street is like a slice of so much more than picking up the
Hometown Americana: items you want and need. You are
MIt takes you back to the helping to sustain our area and
days when you met at the counter our local economy. That is why
of the local soda shop, walked we encourage you to “Shop Local
your mail down to the post office First”. Why shop at a locally owned
and shopped at the general store business first?
for all of your needs. It speaks to The following 10 reasons show
an era when life was less hectic how more money spent at local
and moved at a friendlier pace. businesses is reinvested in your
This is what you will find when community creating diversity and
you “Come Home To Montrose.” helping the community maintain
The Montrose Shopping Park and create its unique appeal. So
is beautiful tree-lined street on please remember to support your
Honolulu Avenue that is a delight local businesses.
to stroll down. This main shopping
district in Montrose is comprised
of a variety of restaurants, service Top Ten reasons to Think
shops, boutiques, clothing stores, Local – Buy Local – Be Local
and fitness studios catering to the
needs of the local community. 1. Supports Yourself and Keeps
At the Montrose Shopping Park Dollars in the Local Economy:
the shops are friendly and the Your dollars spent in locally- owned
merchandise is different. businesses have three times the
impact on your community as
Our shops aren`t chain stores, dollars spent at national chains.
they are “mom-and-pop” shops When shopping locally, you
where the storeowners know simultaneously create jobs, fund
customers on a first-name basis
and customers get to know more city services through sales
tax, invest in neighborhood
the local merchants, receiving improvement and promote
personal help in finding that community development.
“special item.” The Montrose
Shopping Park is a special district 2. Keeps our Community
within the City of Glendale Unique: Where we shop, where
who designated Montrose as we eat and have fun — all of it
Glendale’s official “Old Town.” makes our community home.
Montrose continues to be one the Our one-of-a-kind businesses are
premier gems in Glendale’s crown. an integral part of the distinctive
Remember, when you come to character of this place.
Montrose to shop you are doing
26 © 2018 Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce