Page 29 - Montrose Directory
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        3. Fosters Local Decision Making:  7. Buy what you want, not what
        Local  businesses  are  owned by  someone wants you to buy: A
        people who live in this community  marketplace of tens of thousands
        making them less likely to  of small businesses is the best
        leave and are more invested in  way to ensure innovation and low
        the community’s future. Local  prices over the long-term.
        ownership means that important
        decisions are made locally by     8. Puts  Your  Taxes to Good
        people who live in the community   Use: Local businesses in town
        and who will feel the impacts of   centers  require  comparatively
        their decisions. Local stores help to   little infrastructure investment
        sustain vibrant, compact, walkable   and make more efficient use of
        town centers-which in turn are    public  services  as  compared  to
        essential to reducing sprawl,     nationally owned stores entering
        automobile use, habitat loss, and   the community.
        air and water pollution.          9. Supports Community Groups

        4. Encourages Local Prosperity:   and     Organizations:    Small
        Entrepreneurship fuels America’s   business owners give, on average,
        economic      innovation    and   250% more support to local
        prosperity, and serves as  a key   community groups than larger
        means for families to move out    businesses give. This contribution
        of low-wage jobs and into the     gives more  support to our  local
        middle class.                     community.
        5.  Creates  More  Good  Jobs:    10. Reduces Environmental Impact:
        Small local businesses are the    Locally owned businesses often stock
        largest employer nationally and in   a high percentage of local sourced
        our community, provide the most   goods requiring less transportation
        jobs to residents.                and generally set up shop in town or
                                          city centers as opposed to developing
        6. Local Shops Value You More:  on the fringe.
        Evidence from numerous surveys
        show people receive better        Shopping locally is very important to our
                                          city, our merchants, and to you, our citizens.
        customer care and service locally.   When you  shop in Montrose, Verdugo City,
        Local businesses survive by their   parts of La Crescenta and Glendale, you save
        reputation and repeat business.   time and money; you also invest in our future
        This means you get a higher       and enable our business community to grow.
                                          Local Services such as Police, Fire, Parks,
        standard of service and people    Libraries, Street Repairs and Water Services
        with a better understanding of the   depend on sales tax dollars. The Chamber of
        products they are selling who take   Commerce urges you to shop locally and keep
        more time to get to know you.     your tax dollars benefiting you.v
        © 2018  Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce              27
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