Page 4 - E-book Telling Time, Days, Dates and Months_VII SMP/MTS
P. 4


                         1.  Short Description
                                In this teaching material, we will discuss time, day, date and month in
                             English. In the material about time, it is discussed related to cardinal numbers,
                             terms that can be used in saying time, such as half, a quarter, minute and etc.
                             The material about days is discussed related to the names of days in English,
                             exposure to categories in days which are divided into 2 namely weekdays and
                             weekends and expressions used for asking and telling days in English. In the
                             material about dates and months, the first thing discussed is related to ordinal
                             numbers such as first, second and etc., then learn about the expressions used
                             and practice conversations.

                         2.  Relevance
                             This teaching material contains material about time, day, date and month. All
                             information described contains expression and conversation examples. After
                             studying  this  module,  students  are  expected  to  be  able  to  understand  and
                             understand how to ask and tell about time, day, date and month in English.

                         3.  Learning Instrutions
                             The  learning  objectives  of  the  Teaching  Materials  are  for  students  to
                             understand  information about time, day, date and month, and to know the
                             expressions used to ask and tell related to time, day, date and month. The
                             following are the learning instructions for studying this module:
                             1)  Understand each component of the teaching material from the beginning
                                 to the end.
                             2)  Understand the main and supporting materials by reading and interpreting
                             3)  Read various other learning resources that are relevant to the material
                                 being studied.
                             4)  Discuss  the  results  of  reading  in  discussion  forums  through  online
                                 facilities with other participants and instructors.
                             5)  Doing  each  task  independently  and  formative  tests  through  online
                             6)  Practicing  the  knowledge  gained  from  the  learning  process  into  daily
                                 learning practices and reflecting on them.

                  E-book Telling time, days, dates and months
                  VII SMP/MTs
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