Page 7 - E-book Telling Time, Days, Dates and Months_VII SMP/MTS
P. 7
Second hand Jarum detik
Alarm clock Jam weker
Clock Jam dinding
Watch Jam tangan
Hour Jam
Minute Menit
Second Detik
O'clock Used to show the hour when the hand extends
exactly to 12 o'clock (digunakan untuk
menunjukkan jam ketika jarum panjangnya
tepat ke jam 12)
Past Lebih
To Kurang
A quarter Seperempat (15 menit)
A half Setengah (30 menit)
Study the following dialog! (Pelajarilah percakapan berikut ini!)
Hi, Barra. What
time is it now?
Hi. It is ten past
nine, Serra.
Thanks. I must pick up my
mother from the airport at
eleven. See you.
You're welcome,
Serra. See you too.
E-book Telling time, days, dates and months