P. 37

Subcontractor Management

                       CRF on Subcontract Requests, Subcontract Changes, Questions, or Research
                       Note: the SOP for CRFs in the Contracts Manual applies to all subcontract requests. However, the
                       process is reiterated for the convenience of the PM.
                          1.  If the PM has a contract question, please submit a CRF and email it to the CA. The CRF
                              shall include the following:
                                    Subject line shall read: Contract Question Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                                    The CRF shall include: the question and target deadline for answer.
                                    The  CRF  shall  also  include:  Project  Code;  Project  Name;  Award  No.;  date
                                     submitted,  Priority  Level;  Explanation  if  high  priority;  Change  category  (if
                                     applicable); request type (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement)

                          2.  If the PM has a contract research request, please submit a CRF by email to the CA. The
                              email shall include the following:
                                    Subject line shall read: Contract Research Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                                    The CRF shall include: the research question(s), information needed and target
                                     deadline for answer.
                                    The  CRF  shall  also  include:  Project  Code;  Project  Name;  Award  No.;  date
                                     submitted,  Priority  Level;  Explanation  if  high  priority;  Change  category  (if
                                     applicable); request type (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement)

                          3.  If the PM has a subcontract or consulting agreement request or change request, please
                              submit a CRF and email it to the CA. The email shall include the following:
                                    Subject line shall read: Contract Question Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                                    The CRF shall include the following:
                                             Project  Code;    Project  Name;  Award  No.;  date  submitted,  target
                                           completion  date,  Change/Mod  No.  (if  applicable);  Priority  Level;
                                           Explanation if high priority; Change category (if applicable); request type
                                           (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement);
                                            Supporting attachments should include:
                                               -   Base Contract; modifications (if applicable); supporting financials
                                                  (excel spreadsheets)

                           4.  Any CRFs for Consulting Agreements shall include the following additional information:
                                    Consultant Position
                                    Period of Performance
                                    Place of Performance
                                    Supervisor’s Name
                                    Contract Type (i.e. Labor Hour)
                                    Maximum Level of Effort (LOE)
                                    Project Code

                           5.  Any CRFs for subcontract shall include the following additional information:
                                        Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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