P. 72

ANNEX G: Managing Cleared Programs
                    hired under the contract until they have passed a prescreen. The candidate is sent a security prescreen
                    form by the PM (form located in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex E), copying
              The  clearance  candidate  will  complete  the  form  and  return  it  to
           Our Facility Security Officer (FSO) will reply to the PM and advise the likelihood of
                    the candidate being granted an interim security clearance. If an interim clearance is unlikely, the PM
                    may collaborate with HR to seek alternate candidates. If the candidate passes the prescreen, HR and
                    the PM will continue the hiring process (see HR Section), and the PM will advise the FSO to proceed.
                    The FSO will then advise the candidate on next steps to apply for either a Secret or Top-Secret security
                    clearance and guide them through the process. The FSO will provide the PM with weekly updates. The
                    interim clearance is typically adjudicated within 3-4 weeks from the date the candidate submits their
                    application and completes their fingerprints.

                    After  the  interim  clearance  is  adjudicated,  the  PM  can  give  the  candidate  access  the  project
                    documents and can begin work. The full Secret or Top-Secret clearance will likely be adjudicated within
                    3-9 months.

                    Document Security
                    Document security provides for the proper protection, distribution and destruction of sensitive and
                    classified documents and materials that require limited distribution and the application of the “need-
                    to-know” principle including: competitive bid information; Privacy Act protective information; and any
                    other hard copy information either produced by Vysnova or entrusted to Vysnova by its clients.

                    Documents are classified in various categories:
                       Patient  Health  Information  (PHI):  which  includes  medical  records  and  personal  identification
                       information.  Vysnova  does  not  store  this  information.  Employees  should  follow  client  and
                       government guidelines when handling this data in project work.
                       Classified:    Classified  National  Security  information  will  be  handled  in  accordance  with  the
                       provisions of the  National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual  (NISPOM).  Classified
                       information is stored at government sites and never at Vysnova offices. Employees are provided
                       access  to  classified  information  and  areas  subject  to  customer  approval  and  authorization.
                       Employees should follow the client’s classification guidelines.
                       Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI):  Classified information requiring protection as identified
                       in a law, regulation, or government-wide policy. The CUI Registry provides information on the
                       specific categories and subcategories of information that the Executive branch protects. The CUI
                       Registry also provides the newly approved Defense category. The CUI Registry can be found at:
                    Information Systems and Telecommunications Security
                    Information systems and telecommunications security provides for uniform policy and procedures
                    governing the access, integrity and availability of computer-based information and communications
                    resources. All Vysnova documents will comply with NIST 800-171 and DFARS.

                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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