Page 17 - Business Build Catalogue May 2022
P. 17

         Absolute Extra Ballpen
         Two-piece construction ballpen with generous print area
         on barrel for up to 6 colours. Material: Plastic.
         Dimensions: On Request
         Print Area: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH.
         250 £0.46      500 £0.26      1000 £0.25

         Absolute Softfeel Ballpen
         Rubberised barrel version of the Absolute Extra ballpen
         made from high-grade ABS with black clip and generous
         wraparound print area. Material: Plastic.
         Dimensions: On Request
         Print Area: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH.
         500 £0.40      1000 £0.34      2000 £0.32

         Absolute Biofree Ballpen
         Absolute Ballpen with specially formulated biofree
         additive that provides complete antimicrobial
         protection. Material: Plastic.
         Dimensions: On Request
         Print Area: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH.
         250 £0.51      500 £0.31      1000 £0.30

          436047                           436065                             43 60 67
          Bella Ballpen                    Biosense Ballpen                   Contour Digital Eco
                                                                                 ntour Digital Eco
          Beautiful aluminium push-button   Eco friendly push-button ballpen   Ballpen
          ballpen with sleek contemporary   made from recycled paper and      Recy cled plastic ballpen wit
                                                                              Recycled plastic ballpen with a h a
          design. Material : Metal.        plastic trim. Material : Recycled   rubb erised c olour grip. Mat
                                                                              rubberised colour grip. Material : erial :
          Dimensions: On Request                                              Plastic.
          Print Area: Barrel side of clip -   Dimensions: On Request
                                                                              Dimensions: On Request
          57mmW x 6.5mmH.                  Print Area: Barrel - 50mmW x 25mmH.  Dime nsions: On Reque st
                                                                              Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.
                                                                              Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.
          250 £0.98                        250 £0.43
          500 £0.83                        500 £0.26                          250 £0.59
                                                                              500 £0.47
          1000 £0.75                       1000 £0.23                         500 0  £0.47
                                                                              1000 £0.42

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