Page 18 - Business Build Catalogue May 2022
P. 18
Chalfont Ballpen
Beautifully crafted twist action metal ballpen. Material: Metal.
Dimensions: On Request
Print Area: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH.
50 £5.47 100 £4.56 250 £3.68
Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen
Slimline twist-action aluminium ballpen in a range of bold gloss colours.
Finished by a smart black trim and colour-match stylus. Material: Metal.
Dimensions: On Request
Print Area: Barrel - 40mmW x 18mmH.
50 £2.32 100 £1.10 250 £0.66
Contour Argent Ballpen
Retractable ballpen with sleek design, satin silver finish, chrome
fittings and comfortable coloured grip. Material: Plastic/Metal.
Dimensions: On Request
Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 8mmH.
250 £0.32 500 £0.23 1000 £0.19
436061 436066 436057
Contour-i Argent Contour Bamboo Contour Colour Ballpen
Ballpen Ballpen Push-button ballpen in a range of
10 solid colour barrels with black
Retractable lallpen with capacitive Eco-friendly ballpen made from
stylus, satin silver finish, chrome sustainable bamboo. Features a large rubberised grip. Material: Plastic.
trim and comfrotable rubberised print area and smart chrome trim. Dimensions: On Request
grip. Material: Plastic. Material: Bamboo. Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 8mmH.
Dimensions: On Request Dimensions: On Request 250 £0.32
Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 8mmH. Print Area: Barrel - 60mmW x 8mmH. 500 £0.23
250 £0.60 250 £0.89 1000 £0.19
500 £0.41 500 £0.84
1000 £0.36 1000 £0.80
AIM 2022 - 01 Pens.indd 11 17/03/2022 16:20