Page 15 - Print Approved - British Made Gifts Collection
P. 15
Sustainable British Maufacturing
Our commitment to sustainable British manufacturing
Our customers example, some of our products have
We operate to an industry leading set Ć[LQJV RU XVH GLIIHUHQW PDWHULDO W\SHV
of service level standards to supply ZKLFK FRQIXVHV WKHLU FODVVLĆFDWLRQ
you with the accurate information you for recycling. Some councils allow
need in a timely manner. Customers small mixed metal items to be put in
will be treated fairly, with respect and kerbside recycling bins, others will
if we get something wrong we will have dedicated mixed metal skips at
admit it and put it right. the local recycling centre. Whilst we
can’t imagine that a company would
wish to dispose of an award they
Our suppliers
We also endeavour to treat our
suppliers fairly and with respect, Our employees
looking to forge long term We provide a safe and friendly place
partnerships with like minded to work with good working conditions.
companies who reject any form of All those who work in our factory
exploitation and bribery and can have a contract of employment
demonstrate there is no slavery within with us and comprehensive staff
any part of their supply chain. training and handbook outlining all
aspects of working for the company.
We aim to provide opportunities
within the company for those who
wish to progress and full training is
always provided. Those responsible received, if you would like to ensure
for factory health and safety are your goods purchased from us are
fully trained to ensure safe working properly recycled and do not end up in
practices throughout. We only create ODQGĆOO ZH RIIHU D VHUYLFH ZKHUH LI \RX
secure employment for the long term cover the cost of sending the product
and do not use agencies. We employ back to us, we will organise for the
over 50 people and will only create different materials to be seperated
new jobs when we know they will be and recycled properly. For more
secure. information on this service please
contact the person you purchased
Energy & resources Real world recycling
Our factory is heated by a biomass 0DQ\ PDWHULDOV LGHQWLĆHG DV
boiler using only pellets made as a recyclable cannot currently be
bi-product of UK pallet making. Low put into kerbside bin collections,
energy lighting is used throughout or won’t be recovered because
our factory and we are well insulated. they are deemed to be of little or
When machinery needs replacing, no commercial value. So we focus
energy efficiency will play a major part on using materials in our products
in choosing alternatives. Very little which can be easily recycled when
water is required in our production it reaches the end of their useful
but water usage is always monitored life. However, in practice this is
for where savings can be made. not a straight forward process. For