Page 18 - Print Approved - British Made Gifts Collection
P. 18

Our Materials: Acrylic & Aluminium

                   Greencast® Acrylic                                         Aluminium

          Designed to create a future circular economy for the   $OXPLQLXP LV DQ DPD]LQJ PDWHULDO DV LW LV LQĆQLWHO\
          SUHYHQWLRQ RI DFU\OLF SODVWLF ZDVWH HQGLQJ XS LQ ODQGĆOO    recyclable and can be reformed endlessly whilst retaining
          Greencast® acrylic is produced from 100% recycled   LWV PDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV LQGHĆQLWHO\   $OO RI WKH DOXPLQLXP
          acrylic and is 100% recyclable at the end of its useful life.   we use in our products has recycled content and it’s one
          Unlike other techniques which depend upon melting the   of the most sustainable materials on the market today. In
          plastic down and then re-casting it into a new form, which   addition, our zero-waste manufacturing processes allow
          degrades the quality of the material limiting the number   for the collection of all unused ‘offcuts’ of aluminium for
          of times this can be done, the production of Greencast®   recycling as well.   Recycling aluminium saves about 90%
          acrylic uses a proprietary process which allows for the   of the energy it takes to make new aluminium as well as
          recovery of the original solvent (PMMA).  This solvent is   helping to reduce the demand for mining the bauxite ore
          a durable, noble plastic which is reused to produce new   needed to produce new aluminium. Due to a combination
          DFU\OLF VKHHWV   7KH EHQHĆW RI WKLV SURFHVV LV WKDW UHF\FOHG   of the wide and varied applications for aluminium, the
          clear transparent acrylic has the same quality as new virgin   commercial and domestic infrastructure to recycle
          acrylic, but more importantly it can be recycled, countless   aluminium is continually growing and increased public
          times, without ever losing its all important properties.   awareness of it’s sustainable credentials means aluminium
          An additional positive is this process also reduces water   has become a very attractive and popular material choice.
          consumption and carbon emissions at the point of    %HORZ LV WKH ZLGH FKRLFH RI PHWDO ĆQLVKHV ZH
          manufacture while being VOC and HFC free.           currently offer:

          Greencastp DFU\OLF ĆQLVKHV                          $OXPLQLXP ĆQLVKHV

                                                              Gold grain  Gold satin Gold mirror
             Black      White      Clear    Flood coat
                                            any colour

                                                              Silver grain Silver satin Silver mirror


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