Page 121 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 121
PhYsICAl BUffs Exercise may improve day-to-day Physical Mental
1 Get your body moving for at least 10 minutes today -
dance, cycle, walk, run garden - you choose memory

2 Spend 10 minutes improving your balance today Staying active can help you to remain
independent as you age
3 Move to music - put on your favourite song and dance
around your kitchen, bedroom, or office Exercise helps to grow connections in
the brain
4 Do 1,2 or 3 sets (8-12 repetitions) of a muscle
strengthening activity today Regular physical activity is associated
with reduced levels of depression

soCIAl BUffs JusMten1tal0 minutes of sociAattiltudienteraction can Social
increase your brain performance
1 Call a friend or relatiMvenetal for a chat Physical
Simple social interaction may deliver
2 Share a mealtime with someone today greater benefits for your brain than solving
crossword puzzles
3 Share som ething from the Hello Brian
website with a friend Social interaction helps to maintain brain health

4 Put yourself in a place with people Experiencing new situations and people
and start a conversation is a critical element for neuroplasticity

MEnTAl BUffs Mastering a cMehntaal llenge can make usPhysical feel Mental

1 Do something creative today: make an less depressed and also helps the front part
artistic picture with pen, pencil or phone
of our brain function better
2 Learn a new fact today and pass it
on to someone together with a Life-long learning and education are good
reason why they should know it. for brain health and lower the risk of
developing dementia
3 Memorise the words of a new song,
a poem, or a long quote. Learning enriches brain networks and
opens new routes that your brain can use
4 Challenge yourself to improve your to bypass damage
computer skills. Learn to do something
new on the computer Increased complex mental activity late in life
has been linked to lower dementia risk


1 Pay attention to the present – focus on Mental Paying attentioPhynsicalto the preseMenntatl improves memoryAttitude
what is taking place in the here and now and reduces stress

2 Explore an everyday object for 30 Notice the world through touch. Mindfulness
seconds today. Feel temperature, meditation alters regions of the brain associated
texture, pressure and movement. with memory

3 Smile at least five times today – even, Smiling sincerely can ease stress
or especially, if you don’t feel like it

4 Schedule a pleasant event – Depression is a risk factor for dementia. Pleasant

do something that makes you feel special activities improve the quality of your life

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