Page 139 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 139
Living well
with dementia

There are over 47,744 people with dementia in Ireland
today. People can and do live well with dementia.
Many people have an image in their mind of what
life with dementia looks like. That image is often very
bleak. So it can be surprising to learn that may people
with dementia continue to live well, socialise and stay
involved in their community

What is dementia? What if I am worried about myself or
someone close to me?
Dementia is the name for a range of conditions that
cause damage to the brain. This damage can affect Everyone can be forgetful and struggle to put a name
memory, thinking, language and the ability to carry out to a face or remember where the car is parked. But
everyday tasks. if you are worried about changes in memory, mood
or ability to manage daily life, it is important to do
There are many conditions which cause dementia. something about it.
Alzheimer’s is the most common cause. Vascular
dementia, Lewy body dementia and Fronto-temporal There are many reasons for memory loss and confusion,
dementia are other causes. apart from dementia. These can include anxiety and
stress, depression, an infection, thyroid disorders,
vitamin deficiency, side-effects of medications and
conditions such as mild cognitive impairment or a

If you are worried it is a good idea to talk to your
doctor. You doctor will explore with you what may
be causing the changes that concern you. Before you
visit your doctor, make a note of the changes you have
noticed and some examples of the things that are
causing you concern. Keep a diary to help you.

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