Page 137 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 137
It is often said that our eyes are the vegetables and form a protective layer causes of road traffic accidents and is a
windows to our soul. But how would we which is both a powerful antioxidant common complaint from people of all
feel if our vision was, in the near future, and a selective filter of harmful ‘blue ages.
likely to become a thing of the past? light’ or ‘glare’. Oxidative damage is The sensation of glare is caused by
For most of us, sight is the sense on strongly believed to contribute to AMD ‘blue light’, which we normally absorb
which we rely most to judge our day- and is also closely associated with skin with these yellow, retinal nutrients
to-day perceptions of life around us, ageing. A healthy layer of macular known as macular pigment. As these
take greatest pleasure and, in essence, pigment acts like a pair of natural nutrients are all dietary in origin, most
take for granted. internal sunglasses, shielding the most people do not consume enough of the
Age-related macular degeneration vital part of our retina like a ‘sunscreen right foods for them to be of benefit in
(AMD) affects the macula and is the for the eyes’ to protect them from the the body and this can lead to damage
leading cause of Blindness in the light damage which would otherwise to the back of the eyes from the same
developed world. It represents a growing occur. factors that cause skin to age.
risk for eye health in adults over 55 in Maintaining healthy eyes and vision is
Ireland; and accounts for 50% of all The impact of ageing & diet important as we age and nutrition is
registered sight loss. Advancing age, As we grow older our macular pigment key.
smoking and a genetic history of AMD levels decline. What’s more, an
are the main risk factors, as are a poor unhealthy diet and poor absorption MacuShield
diet and obesity. from diet can result in low levels of Maintaining healthy eyes and vision is
the nutrients essential for a healthy important as we age and nutrition is
What is the macula? macula and other vitamins and inerals key, MacuShield is a food supplement
The macula is the area at the back which are important for eye health and designed to provide these key nutrients
of the eye where light is focused. It’s optimal vision. which may be lacking from our diet.
responsible for central vision and MacuShield contains all three macular
the ability to see detail. We use our The problem of glare nutrients which filter the blue light,
macula for reading, writing, watching By filtering out the damaging blue light, and gives an extra anti-oxidant boost.
TV, driving and recognising faces and these nutrients can reduce the amount MacuShield has been clinically tested in
images. A healthy macula is rich in the of glare discomfort that we suffer Ireland and proves to offer the greatest
three nutrients — meso-zeaxanthin, when outdoors, when driving towards positive impact and bio-availability
lutein and zeaxanthin — which form a low sun or at night with on-coming than other eye supplements on the
the macular pigment. These nutrients headlights. Glare and dazzle are leading market.
come from diets rich in fruit and

Glare night time driving
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