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Golden IT Award Age Action is a charity which promotes
positive ageing and better policies and
Paddy Crean (aged 85), Co. Wicklow services for older people. Working with,
and on behalf of, older people we aim to
85 year old Paddy Crean is an active member of make Ireland the best place in the world
in which to grow older.
the Wicklow Male Voice Choir, joining shortly after
its foundation in 1998. Since then, Paddy has gone If you would like to know more please contact
on to use his IT skills to enhance the group’s singing Lorraine Fitzsimons, Deputy Chief Executive at
by sourcing software which translates written scores 01 4756989, or any of our staff. Age Action is also
into music sounds for choir members who cannot a partner with a number of other organisations,
read music very well. Before, learning new choral including Active Retirement Ireland, on a project
songs from music notation was time consuming which has developed a website to help people
but now Paddy can put the new music onto USBs who are new to using computers and the internet
and Flash Drives so that members can rehearse find information and services that may be of
new material at home. Paddy also set up the choir’s interest to them. Essentially, it is a roadmap and
website and continues to edit and moderate the site. aims to make finding things simple. Please go to for more information.
His online skills have also led to his involvement
with the Wiclow Active Retirement Association, Age Action’s Getting Started programme runs
designing and administering three separate websites: beginners computer classes for those over 55., The classes are taught by trained volunteer
and He was nominated by tutors and courses are run in local venues such
several groups he works with and is described as an as libraries, community centres etc.. Most of the
inspiration! teaching is on a one to one basis which allows
learners go at their own pace and learn topics of
interest to them. Class sizes are small, the courses
usually run for 2 hours once a week for 4 weeks
with a maximum cost of €20.

The classes currently run in Dublin, Kildare, Louth,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim, Cork
and Waterford. For more information on classes in
Leinster phone 01 475 6989, Munster phone 021
453 6554 and Connaught phone 091 527831 or

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