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Chromebook laptop during a ceremony held in The
Foundry building at Google headquarters in Dublin
today. Speaking at the awards ceremony he said,“The
stories from this year’s silver surfers are fantastic and
inspiring. They show the wide range of opportunities
we can access online. They make very clear that no
matter what your age, you are never too old to learn.
One nominee got her Ph.D. at the age of 72, another
wrote his memoirs at the age of 99. For some, the
skills they have learned and the confidence they
have built - with the help of community and voluntary
organisations and with support from my Department
under the BenefIT Programme - have helped them
lift themselves out of very difficult life situations.
What is really great, and I want to stress this, is these
opportunities can be available to everyone.”

70 year old Trudy Nealon from Laois has been The stories from this year’s
named as the overall winner of 2014 Google silver surfers are fantastic and
Silver Surfer Awards with Age Action.Trudy uses inspiring. They show the wide
range of opportunities we
technology on a daily basis for everything, as treasurer can access online. They make
of the Portlaoise Active Retirement Association, she is very clear that no matter
also responsible for the administration of the club, what your age, you are never
managing its finances and membership database. too old to learn

In addition to doing all her banking, shopping, travel Stuart McLaughlin, Head of GooglersGive EMEA said,
arrangements and correspondence online, Trudy also “The entries this year were truly amazing, with such
uses her expertise creatively. For her club she puts a high quality amongst all of the nominations. The
together presentations of proposed holidays for stories of both the winners and their fellow nominees
the local group to choose from and she even were so varied, showing the diverse reasons and
produces CD rom collections of holiday photos for ways of how and why people are getting online.
members who take part in the group tours. This year From connecting with family, to pursuing hobbies,
the club celebrated its 10 year anniversary and to to running local associations like Trudy, these Silver
commemorate the occasion Trudy produced a DVD of Surfers prove that it’s never too late to learn!”
the club’s history for all the members, complete with
titles, credits and a soundtrack.

Minister for Communications, Energy and the
Environment, Alex White T.D. presented Trudy with
her award and the prize of a brand new Google

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