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Robin Webster, Chief Executive of Age Action said, “In to the members of the local community of Dunderrow
today’s world everything from ordering the weekly as part of their company’s Community/Corporate
shopping to paying the electricity bill can now be Volunteer Programme. A resounding success for both
done online. While this may be convenient for many, the students and the volunteers, the classes are a
there are some for whom the new digital age can be major talking point across the community. Taking
quite intimidating. That’s why it’s important that we place in Dunderrow National School, the volunteers
encourage the use of new technologies amongst all deliver training on computers, the internet and
ages, particularly the older generation. They have a mobile phones to those over the age of 55 with
considerable amount of knowledge to contribute our varying knowledge and skills of the digital world.
digital society and can also benefit too, as today’s
winners have shown. We hope that the inspirational Joint winner Louise Daly has volunteered in excess
stories of today’s winners will encourage many more
older people to sign up for a class and get online.” of 1,000 hours with Age Action. She has taught over
130 individual computer training classes as part
Four other awards of the Getting Started programme and volunteers
were presented during the
ceremony, including:

Winner IT Tutor(s) of the Year Award

Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, Dunderrow, Co. Cork at the Friday Drop-In Service whenever she can.
and Louise Daly, Dublin (Joint Winners) With a relaxed manner and great sense of humour,
Louise instantly puts her students at ease making it
This year’s joint winners included 11 volunteers from easier for them to learn and is constantly in demand
by repeat students because of her patience and
Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals in Cork.The employees dedication! She’s even added the use of Apple Mac
products to her syllabus and is now helping her
came together to give up their free time to deliver an students get to grips with the technology. Louise also
Age Action Getting Started computer training course regularly gives talks on the Getting Started training
programme, spreading the message and encouraging
people across the country to get online.

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