Page 145 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 145
It was a manic Wednesday in the kitchen of VM @ Viewmount

House. Wednesdays usually are. We’re closed on Monday and Tuesday so
everything kicks off again on Wednesday morning. Deliveries arrive and
we are checking, weighing and tasting.

Bones are getting roasted and it’s a battle royal one of their stories will finish with what they
to get your mise en place (preparation) on the ate. Every time. Chefs are obsessed with food.
stoves before the rest of the Chefs start to hog From Michelin-star meals to what they rustled
the Gas rings. It’s very much an “every man for up from leftovers from the fridge at four in the
himself” tussle. However, the banter and craic is morning after a singsong in the back garden.
good with everyone telling tales of what they Our stories always involve food.
got up to on their days off. Some go crazy kite
surfing, singing, drinking and searching the We have a special bond with food and that
country high and dry for a party and the stories Wednesday in particular it really hit home.
are great, others just say they slept while I try to Peter Kavanagh from Active Retirement had
make washing Cora’s bottles and runs through sent me on a big envelope stacked with recipes
the park with my wee pups Salty and Pepper to read through in order to pick out my top
sound like the best fun ever. three for a competition. Things had died down
and it was an hour before service. The floor had
If the truth be told it is heaven on earth to me. been scrubbed so we were all under orders to
Any day where I’m not in the car travelling the stay off it until it had dried.
country for work and I’m able to be at home
with my wife Netty, wee baby Cora, and our The guys shot outside, calling girlfriends,
pets Salty and Pepper is a good one. Great, in boyfriend, husbands or buddies. I grabbed the
fact. I’ve got stories from bygone years that’d closest thing I could find, an oil drum it turns
make the hairs stand on the back of their necks out, in a rare quiet corner and started to read. If
so I can hold my own should I need to rock out ever there was a moment I needed to be filmed
one from the archives! Ultimately though, each with a secret camera it was then.

with Food

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