Page 149 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 149
Our Bond


Mary talked about heading away with her late four or five generations of Pat’s family and she
husband to fish for wild salmon on the river has passed on the recipe to me.
Moy. She talked about the enjoyment written For any of you that have got your hands on
over his face as he landed a catch. Reading the my cookbook Food for the Soul, published by
words I could easily have been standing out Bluebird Care you may well have tried it already
at the Mill in Ramelton, Under the Bridge at or read about it. Personally I think it’s a fitting
the Waterfall and looking at my Grandfather recipe for the piece as it always brings me back
Duncan’s face or my dad’s as we landed a wee to a happy moment in time, just like Mary’s
rainbow trout. One simple paragraph from Mary Salmon fishing story, and it’s a dish that I hope
had hit me for six. will trigger memories for my family and friends
for years to come.
“Straight home, gut the fish, clean
it out with a tea spoon, fry it up TURN TO PAGE 149 TO SEE GARY’S DELICIOUS RECEIPE
and sit around the table scoffing
and telling yarns about how we Thank you to Mary for making me remember
thought the Baliffs were watching precious times and thank you to everyone that
us and we had to scamper. sent in recipes. Each one was exceptional and
Mammy would be rolling her eyes took me to other moments from my past. I
up to heaven and giving out to hope you’ll try the Tourtiere and start making
daddy for scaring us or for having memories for friends and family.
us there in the first place. The Thanks for reading,
craic would be mighty.” Happy Cooking

Just this week I got back from a trip to Boston. Chef Gary x
By now most of you will know I spent about
six years living in Boston so the city holds a
dear place in my heart. I loved every moment
of my time there. Christmas was always tough
though. Being away from my great family
was heartbreaking but it had to be done. The
restaurant was always back open on the 26th,
it was business as usual and a busy period
so no rest for the wicked. One Christmas
Eve in particular, though, my great friend Pat
Saiya cooked me a meat pie. A classic French
Canadian meat pie. Tourtiere. It’s only made at
Christmas. It’s a tradition that has gone through

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