Page 153 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 153
First Prize:

Mary McDonnell’s Favourite Salmon Recipe


2 salmon fillets
25 g butter
Pinch salt
Pinch freshly ground black pepper

Place the fillets of salmon on tin foil, skin side down. Method
Put some butter, salt and freshly ground black pepper
on top and seal. Place on a baking sheet and cook in Whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice together in a bowl and
a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes at 200°C or Gas until the mixture is thickened and doubled in volume. Place
Mark 6. You can serve this with a hollandaise sauce the bowl over a saucepan containing barely simmering water.
(below) and with string beans, boiled new potatoes The water should not touch the bottom of the bowl. Continue
and some more Irish butter. to whisk rapidly. Be careful not to let the eggs get too hot or
they will scramble. Slowly drizzle in the melted butter and
For the hollandaise sauce (optional) continue to whisk until the sauce is thickened and doubled in
4 egg yolks volume. Remove from heat, whisk in the cayenne pepper and
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice salt. Cover and place in a warm spot until the salmon and
100g butter, melted vegetables are ready. If the sauce gets too thick, whisk in a
Pinch pepper (cayenne pepper is good) few drops of warm water before serving.
Pinch salt

Mary says:

“Having married my late husband I soon discovered that he was an avid fisherman and his dream
was to fish for salmon on the River Moy. Hence commenced the beginning of many fishing trips to
Co. Mayo. I travelled with him on those occasions and witnessed the joy of catching salmon. Having
brought the fish home, he would fillet it for me and we would enjoy some and freeze the rest.”

Gary says:

“I just loved the simplicity of this dish but not only that; it really struck a chord. I used to go fishing
for wild salmon and trout as a kid with my Dad & Grandfather. We used to simply fry the fish in butter.
I was a tad more adventurous than dad even then & I’d add some lemon and onion. I love that Mary
has kept it simple, cooking in Foil and serving with Hollandaise, green beans and new potatoes. For
me, this is perfect and a worthy 1st place.”

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