Page 151 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 151


Meat Pie

(Makes one 9-inch pie) serves 6 adults

Ingredients to a chilled bowl, make a well in center then add
two thirds of the water. As the pastry gets closer to
For the Pastry the correct consistency add the rest of the water,
working with your fingertips. Remove from the
200g butter; 400g flour; Pinch of salt; 95ml water bowl, add a light dusting of flour to a work surface
and knead your dough together. When it has a soft
For the Filling texture like play dough it’s ready. Wrap in cling film
and let rest in the fridge for at least one hour.
½ lb ground lean beef ½ lb ground pork
Remove, split in half and roll out to cover the
1 medium onion diced ½ tsp salt baking tray. Add the filling, then top with the
pastry. Bake at 200C for about 10 minutes then
¼ tsp pepper ¼ celery salt bring the temperature down to 180C and continue
cooking until a golden and warmed through.
¼ tsp ground cloves ¼ tsp cinnamon
The Filling:
¼ tsp ground sage
Mix beef and pork, sauté with the chopped onion,
¼ cup water or more (I also add a little of the add rest of ingredients to meat after cooking.
When cooked you want the mixture to be dry. If it’s
fat from the meat after it is cooked) still a little too wet just add a little more mashed
Plain mashed potatoes (this I add by the
consistency). Usually takes about Like every dish sometimes it’s all about a little trial
6-8 potatoes, mashed without butter, and error but trust me, this dish is worth the effort
milk or seasoning. and before long you’ll be making it without the
need for a recipe.
Serve with a big dollop of Heinz Ketchup.
The Pastry:

Place the butter in a fridge then remove when
cold and hard, dice. Add to a food processor with
the flour and salt. Pulse for about 20 seconds
until the dough is blended and crumb like. Add

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