Page 15 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 15
Tips for retirement

4 Stop worrying about things you can’t change To Do.....
4 Be grateful for the good things in life
4 Handle difficult situations with grace 4 Volunteer - there is

and humour always someone in
need of your skills
4 Search for the silver lining
4 Don’t take things or people for granted 4 Travel - it broadens
4 Find the joy in life
4 Smile at a stranger the mind
4 Talk - a problem shared is a problem halved.
4 Spend time with people you like 4 Join a political party
4 Join a Club - if you can’t
The possibilities are endless!
find what you want,
start your own!

4 Get a pet
4 Learn an instrument
4 Write your memoirs
4 Keep fit
4 Learn a new skill

The important thing is to find activities that are both meaningful and enjoyable for you.
A sense of humour helps you get through tough times, look outside yourself, laugh at the
absurdities of life and transcend difficulties.

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