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would provide the active retired with a public voice, regional events, including training and development
which should be used to influence policies affecting for volunteer members. It also led to the expansion
their lifestyle.” The late Maurice Kennedy, a founder of the full-time staff of the organisation from two to
member in Dun Laoghaire, a tireless promoter of seven.
Active Retirement in its early years and a man of vision,
agreed with these words and saw the greater benefits Since the arrival of Atlantic Philanthropies, the change
that would derive from the closer working together of in the organisation has been monumental. We now
all these new associations. With that in mind, in 1985 represent over 24,500 members in more than 570 local
he called a meeting of representatives of existing associations nationwide. In 2012, Ballyna Area Active
groups to consider the formation of a Federation of Retirement Association became the 500th Active
Active Retirement Associations (FARA). This meeting Retirement group; and in 2013 we were delighted
approved the establishment of the new Federation and to welcome Slieve Gallion ARA as the first Active
Maurice became its first National President, a position Retirement Association from Northern Ireland. After
he held until 1989. the death of Anna Manahan, President Michael D.
Higgins accepted the role of patron, and continues to
Around this time Muiris Prenderville, with other founder be a vocal supporter of older people’s rights.
members, was instrumental in putting together the
first constitution for FARA. A specimen constitution for Key to the expansion of Active Retirement Ireland has
use by individual associations was also produced. been the introduction of a development team. Initially
consisting of one development officer per region, the
The organisation continued to attract new groups and team has expanded to include a full outreach team in
members, and by 1992, membership was over 6,000 most of our nine regions. You can find out who is on
in 68 local groups. In 1993, Muiris Prenderville and your local development team in this annual.
Blanchardstown ARA initiated an intergenerational
programme called “Age Link” with transition year Active Retirement Ireland has also expanded the range
pupils from local community schools. This programme of events it offers to its members. As the Federation
was then taken on board nationally by FARA and “Age of Active Retirement Associations we had an annual
Link” was accepted as a project for the European Year general meeting, but few other opportunities for
of Older Persons. members to meet each other and enjoy themselves
as part of a national organisation. We now have
In 2008 the landscape of Irish life changed for a National Bowls Competition, a massive Trade &
older people. When the then-Government announced Tourism show and dozens of other opportunities for
sweeping changes to medical card eligibility for over- groups to get together through shared holidays, cluster
70s in Ireland, Active Retirement members found meetings or regional events.
themselves representing their communities in the
face of austerity-driven cuts. A vocal advocate for The future of Active Retirement Ireland, as always, is
older people’s rights, Tony Award-winning actress Anna in the hands of its members. Every local group has
Manahan became the first patron of Active Retirement a direct say in the governance of the organisation
Ireland, ushering in a new role for the national through the representatives they send to regional
organisation: as advocates for older people’s rights. council meetings and national AGMs. However the
organisation has grown, it remains a group run by
At around this time, Active Retirement Ireland volunteers, for volunteers. Your Active Retirement
began a ground-breaking relationship with Atlantic experience is yours to explore…
Philanthropies, who agreed to fund the development of
the organisation. This led to an increase in national and

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