Page 175 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 175
An Garda Siochana • Do not leave personal documents (driving licence,

Crime Prevention insurance certificate, utility bills, bank
T ips statements etc.) as this can facilitate identity theft
• People who deliberately collide or jostle you are
or lead criminals to your home address
intent on aggression - avoid eye contact and do • Be particularly careful with laptops, mobile phones
not engage with them either verbally or physically
and other small electronic items as the data they
• Remember - you cannot rationalise with aggressive contain may be very attractive to the thief

or drunk people • Do not place property under the seat - it is not a

• Young women should avoid the temptation to secure location and can often be seen

accompany strangers alone - however benign they • If you must store property in your vehicle, place it
may appear
in the boot but do so at a location other than the
• If you are the victim of crime or violence - report area where you intend to park

the matter to the Gardaí immediately - do not take • Avoid parking in isolated places and, at night time,
it upon yourself to deal with the assailants
park in a well-lit area
Parking in Public Areas
• Consider retracting, where possible, your wing
Theft from cars and other vehicles is a common crime
in Ireland today. mirrors as flush as possible to the doors to avoid
Ideally, property should not be left unattended in cars or criminal damage
other vehicles. However, if you must, please bear in mind
the following - Parking at Home

• Ensure all windows are closed and all doors are The above recommendations equally apply when
parking at home. If you have a garage, park your
locked vehicle inside it and keep your garage locked.

• Ensure that your alarm / immobiliser is set Driving
• Do not leave property on view inside your vehicle
• Do not leave cash, credit/debit cards, cheque books While driving, be alert to your surroundings.

or other valuable items inside your vehicle • Keep all doors and windows locked.
• Keep valuables out of sight - do not leave briefcases,

handbags, coats etc. on seats in open view.

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