Page 171 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 171
An Garda Siochana Get “Streetwise”

Crime Prevention Crime can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere.
T ips The culprits think they won’t get caught and the
victim thinks it won’t be me! The reality is very
Interior Lighting different. For every crime there is always a victim.
Not every culprit will get caught but every victim
At night, in most occupied homes lights are switched will suffer.
on and off at irregular intervals in different rooms.
The light in the sitting room may be switched on for The extent of your suffering or loss will depend on three
hours at a time whereas the light in another room key factors:
e.g. a hallway or bedroom may only be switched on
intermittently as people move in and out of these • Your Vulnerability
rooms. In some homes, particularly those with children, • Your Environment
the light on the landing is often left permanently on • Your Individual Behaviour
during the night. It is important therefore, when a
home is vacant, that an impression is generated to Your Vulnerability
would-be intruders that the home is in fact occupied.
This can easily be achieved by leaving some lights Understanding your individual potential to becoming
switched on for long periods and others for short a crime victim must be approached from the mindset
random periods. The idea being to try to recreate the of a number of ways and some factors will outweigh
normal living and lighting activities when the home others for them depending on the type of crime being
is occupied. Consider all areas, both front & back, contemplated.
upstairs & downstairs.
If you are:-
There are numerous devices available to achieve this:
• Elderly, very young or a person with a disability
• plug-in mechanical or electrical timers on a wall • A Man or a Woman
• Alone rather than in a group
socket connected to a table or other lamp, • A Local or a Stranger
• Confident and assertive or mild and meek
• ’dusk to dawn’ automatic sensors that fit into
in appearance
standard ceiling light sockets, and

• similar timer sensors that fit into ceiling light


Curtains and/or Blinds

When you are away from home, ask a friend or trusted
neighbour to open and close your blinds/curtains in
order to replicate your normal practice and give the
impression that there is a constant presence in the
house. It is also possible to have these controlled
electronically; though this can be expensive.

Internal Noise

In an effort to create the impression that the home
is occupied, it is also a good idea to turn on a radio
using a plug-in timer. It may be better for the selected
station to be more of a ‘talk’ station than a ‘music’

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