Page 169 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 169
An Garda Siochana Exterior Lighting

Crime Prevention Some people prefer to have the bright light that a
T ips floodlight offers; others prefer the more subdued light
of a lower wattage lamp.
Floodlights tend to be operated with the aid of a
A common custom is to leave keys inserted in their movement/infra-red sensor and/or a manual override
locking mechanism. This is a foolhardy practice as it switch. These are normally pre-set to switch off after
can assist the burglar in two ways. Firstly, they can a short period. It is generally not acceptable, practical
be used by a trespasser to deny you entry to your or feasible to keep these lights on continuously as
home and secondly; they can be stolen or removed your electricity bill alone would be enormous, not
and copied. In the case of doors where entry or exit to mention that it would be very environmentally
is solely key-controlled it is imperative that the unfriendly and could annoy neighbours.
location and safe storage of these keys is known to
all the occupants in the event of a fire or emergency Porch/bulkhead lights, can be fitted with a photo
evacuation. Keys should generally be colour coded or electric sensitive cell which will activate the light at
numbered rather than named as this will hinder their dusk and turn it off at dawn or linked to a timer switch,
identification to the if preferred.
These lights can be fitted with low wattage bulbs
Fire Precautions e.g. the energy saving Compact Fluorescent bulbs
which are long-lasting and economical to run thereby
Any physical changes or alterations made to doors in making them more environmentally friendly. If you
your home should not needlessly impede or restrict also have a CCTV system in place, you must ensure
your exit in the event of a fire alert or evacuation. that your lighting system is compatible with your
Keys should always be kept accessible to occupants cameras. Site testing, in different light levels, should
but out of reach of potential trespassers or burglars. be carried out to ensure that this is so.

When the home is occupied, fire safety is
your priority; however, when the home is
unoccupied, security is your main concern.

Lighting Points to Remember

It is widely accepted that appropriate lighting can To summarise,when installing security lighting,
help to reduce crime and act as an effective deterrent please consider each of the following -
to burglars. Appropriate lighting will help to make 4 Avoid the creation of shadows and
your home more visible to neighbours and passers- dark areas
by; thereby increasing the likelihood of discovering 4 Position the light fitting out of reach
unwanted intruders and trespassers. 4 Aim for a uniform light level
4 Direct the light beam appropriately
Lighting also helps to reduce the fear of crime. 4 Consider your neighbours
However, it should also be noted that lighting does 4 Avoid light pollution
have limitations and so should be regarded as an aid
to other security features in your home such as good
physical security, intruder alarm etc.

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