Page 165 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 165
An Garda Siochana

Crime Prevention

With grateful thanks to Garda Trevor Phelan, “W” District Community Policing Unit
for his help and interest in the Active Retirement Ireland Handbook.

Window Security aid, via down-pipes or from an adjoining roof are
equally attractive to the burglar. Some of these
More than a third of burglars will enter your property windows can be protected with decorative metal
through a window. Remember a thief can generally grilles; but it is important to remember that any such
get through any gap that is slightly larger than a fixing should not form an obstruction in the event
human head – so don’t be complacent about their of an emergency evacuation. Where these grilles are
security because of the window size. fitted, they should ideally be fitted internally and
be retractable or removable as required. Window
Windows on the ground floor are more vulnerable accessibility and security can also be improved by
than those on the upper floor levels. However upper fitting additional locks, limiters or stronger glazing.
windows that can easily be reached with a climbing

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