Page 161 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 161
 Remember a bargain OLD TO WEAR…….  The area of male
is only a bargain if you grooming and
wear it  Suede fashion has grown
 ¾ Length Sleeves dramatically in the last
 Buy fashion items  Little Black Dress decade.
on the high street  Pink
but spend money on  Clothes that show  After a century
classic items that suit of wishing to be
you and transcend you’re a Woman inconspicuous and just
fashion  Leather ‘one of the lads’ men
 Designer Sunglasses have come out of their
 If budget is tight,  Expensive Well Cut shell. The evidence is
spending on grooming out there, just look at
more important than Trousers the number of men’s
buying lots of clothes  Denim fashion magazines,
male grooming
 It’s not what clothes Before and After products and beauty
you have but what you treatments solely
do with them dedicated to men on
the market.
 Remember Cost Per
Wear: Always keep  Although it is still the
in mind…….if you buy case that women do
something cheap and most of the shopping
never wear it, it is for their partners
the most expensive this is becoming less
thing in your wardrobe and less so. Men
compared to your are now happy to
Winter coat that you browse around the
have worn every day wide variety of shops
for the past 5 Winters and check out the
(that cost you a new range of clothes
fortune years ago!) and male grooming
products on offer.
Finally, and most
importantly! It we look  The most important
good, we will feel great! thing to remember is
So spend a little time on that when you shop
yourself and how you look. buy the clothes that
The benefits will be priceless! suit you, your lifestyle
and your body shape
– not what looks good
on the shop assistant!

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