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premium for such cover can be relatively inexpensive. Life Protection
Note that the balance of the proceeds of the policy
after the tax liability has been discharged would be Life insurance is very important to the ones you care
liable to inheritance tax. about most. You insure your car or your house to
transfer risk, but buy life insurance to insure your love.
Retirement Funding We all have an expiration date and we don’t know
when that date will come. Life insurance builds a wall
Most of us look forward to living many years after we of protection for your loved ones and it is one of the
finish working. We hope to enjoy a long retirement, most responsible things a person can do.
with lots of time to do the things we want. The other
side however, is that aside from the state pension Consider your current life policy (assuming you
(contributory),currently €230.30 per week, we won’t have one in place)
have a regular income that we can rely on, unless
we’ve got a decent savings fund in place. It’s never too • When was the last time you had it reviewed?
late to start saving for your tomorrow. Your financial
adviser will sit down with you to understand your • Do you know if it has an end date (term assurance)
goals and objectives before producing a personalised or will it continue so long as you pay your
retirement plan for you. Note changes in the state premiums?
pension means that those born after 01/1/1955 will
not receive the state pension until they reach the age • What benefits are provided?
of 67 and those born after 1/1/1961 will not receive
the state pension until they reach the age of 68. These If you don’t have life insurance in place then perhaps
changes need to be taken into account when planning you should consider discussing this further with your
your retirement. financial advisor.

Typical questions that clients tend to ask: Carl Moore, Associate
• How much do I need to save? Consultant, Acorn Life
• Can I vary the amount I pay in?
• If I worked in several companies, can I move all of Carl Moore is a professional
my pension savings into one? financial consultant with
• How often should I review my pension? over 20 years experience
• When can I get access to my pension? looking after and advising
• Will I have to pay tax on my pension? his clients. If you would like
• Am I too old to start? to contact Carl, you can do
• What are my retirement options? so by mobile: 087-1333188
or email carl.moore

Acorn Life is celebrating 25 years in business this year and
are the very first financial services provider to be accredited
with the Guaranteed Irish symbol, Irelands most trusted and
recognised symbol for quality Irish goods and services.

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