Page 193 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 193
Allowances &

e ntit l e m e nts

The State Pension (Contributory) is payable from the a result of people paying different types of social
age of 66. You are allowed to have income from any insurance contributions or not paying contributions
other source while you receive this pension, but both for various reasons.
the income and the pension are taxable.
Under the National Pensions Framework a number
There are a number of pro-rata State Pensions of other changes are planned to the qualifying
(Contributory) which are paid at a lower rate. These conditions for the State Pension (Contributory) from
were introduced to deal with issues that arose as 2020. These changes do not affect the State Pension

State Pension (Non-Contributory)

The State Pension (Non-Contributory) is a payment for people aged 66 or over who do not qualify for a
State Pension (Contributory).

State Pension (Non-Contributory) Rates in 2014 Rate per week (maximum)
State Pension (Non-Contributory) €219
Personal rate, aged 66 and under 80 €229
Personal rate, aged 80+ €144.70
Increase for a qualified adult €29.80
Increase for a qualified child

Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension

You may be eligible for Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension if you are
widowed or a surviving civil partner, have not remarried or entered into a new civil partnership, and are
not cohabiting. You can transfer to the State Pension (Contributory) at the age of 66.

Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension Rates

Contributions Aged under 66 Rate per week Aged over 66 Rate per week

48 and over €193.50 €230.30

36-47 €190.70 €225.80

24-35 €188.00 €220.40

Means-tested payments

Any means you may have, such as weekly income or savings, are taken into account for these payments,
but not your own home. You must also satisfy the habitual residence condition.

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