Page 195 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 195
Allowances &

e ntit l e m e nts

Widow’s,Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s people under the age of 66 who get certain other
Non-Contributory Pension payments from the Department of Social Protection.
Aged 80 increase
If you are a widowed person or a surviving civil
partner who is not entitled to a Widow’s, Widower’s or If you are getting an Irish social welfare pension, you
Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension, has not automatically get an increase in your pension when
remarried or entered into a new civil partnership, has you reach 80 years of age.
no dependent children and is not cohabiting, you may
be eligible for a Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Increase for Living on a Specified Island
Partner’s Non-Contributory Pension. This is a means-
tested payment. At age 66 you transfer to the State This is an increase in the weekly payment of certain
Pension (Non-Contributory). payments from the DSP, or the EU equivalent, to
people who are aged 66 or over and living on a
Rate of payment in 2014 specified island off the coast of Ireland. The Increase
for Living on a Specified Islandis to compensate
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s for the additional costs of living on these islands
(Non-Contributory) Pension: compared to living on the mainland.

Widow, widower or surviving civil partner Increases Rate per week
(under 66) - €188 Living Alone Increase for €9.00
people age 66 or over
If you are getting a Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Extra increase for €10.00
Civil Partner’s Non-Contributory Pension you may people age 80 or over
qualify for a Fuel Allowance (if you are living alone or Increase for people age €12.70
with certain ‘specified’ people). 66 or over, living on
certain offshore islands
If you are aged 60 to 65 and your late spouse or civil
partner was getting a Household Benefits Package Christmas Bonus
at the time of their death, you may qualify for a
Household Benefits Package. A Christmas Bonus of 25% of the rate of the weekly
payment will be paid to all long-term welfare
You may also qualify for help with funeral expenses and recipients in early December 2014. For example, the
rent or mortgage payments under the Supplementary basic weekly state pension is €188. Someone getting
Welfare Allowance Scheme. this amount will get a Christmas bonus payment of
Extra Benefits
Household Benefits Package
Increase for Living Alone
The Household Benefits Package includes the
The Increase for Living Alone is a supplementary Electricity or Natural Gas Allowance and a Free TV
payment for people in Ireland on Irish social welfare Licence (the Telephone Allowance was discontinued
pensions who are living alone. It is also available to in 2014). If you are aged 70 or over, you qualify
regardless of your income or who lives with you.

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