Page 197 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 197
Allowances &

e ntit l e m e nts

The scheme may also be available to people aged 66 authority aims to help the person stay in his/her own
and over who get certain social welfare payments or home. Contact your local authority.
whose income is below certain limits.
Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability
National Fuel Scheme If your home needs to be adapted to enable you to
continue to live there, you may qualify for a Housing
The National Fuel Scheme is a means-tested payment Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability.
to help people who cannot afford their own heating
costs. You may qualify if you get certain payments Mobility Aids Grants Scheme
from the Department of Social Protection or the EU
equivalent. The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme provides grants to
address mobility problems in the home, for example,
Free travel the grant can be used for access ramps or a stair-lift.

If you are over the age of 66 or getting a carers’ or Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme
certain other social welfare payments, you can get
a Free Travel Pass, entitling you to free travel at any Under this scheme, services like attic insulation
time on bus, road, rail and DART services operated by and draught-proofing are provided to low-income
Bus Átha Cliath, Bus Éireann, Iarnród Éireann, LUAS households nationwide. There is no charge.
services, the Aran Islands ferry service and on certain
private services which have opted into the scheme. Refuse and water charges

You can also use your Free Travel Pass on any of In some local authority areas, low-income households
the 34 schemes under the Rural Transport Initiative. can avail of a waiver (that is, a reduction or total
People who are entitled to free travel are also entitled exemption) on waste and water charges made by
to have their spouse/partner travel free with them private operators and by local authorities. These
or may be entitled to a Companion Pass on medical waivers vary greatly from region to region and in some
grounds. The Free Travel Scheme also covers public areas they are not available at all. To find out if your
transport services in Northern Ireland for people over local authority operates a waiver scheme, you should
66 years of age. To use this service you must have a contact them directly.
Senior SmartPass Card.
Working in retirement
If you are getting a means-tested payment, working
If you are providing full-time care to someone who is ill or being self-employed affects the amount of that
or incapacitated, you may qualify for a carer’s payment. payment. You should check with the Department of
More information is available in our document on Social Protection before taking up work to see what
payments to carers. the effect will be. You can have up to €200 earnings
from insurable employment without affecting your
Housing Aid for Older People Scheme State Pension (Non-Contributory).

The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is a local
authority grant used to improve homes that are below
basic standards. It is targeted mainly at older people
living in rural areas. By paying the grant the local

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