Page 12 - 2022_bb_gray_ae_single (1)
P. 12



            asked questions

            When is open enrollment?                            Do I have to re-enroll if I am not

                                                                making changes to my plans?
               • Gray’s open enrollment runs from
                                                                No, with the exception of your Flexible
                 October 25 - November 12.
                                                                Spending Account (FSA). We will have a passive
               • See page 11 to learn how to enroll via BenSelect.   enrollment this year, so the only thing you will
                                                                have to re-enroll in is your FSA. All other plans
            Have the monthly                                    will roll forward without re-enrollment.
            premiums changed?                                   Team members who do not go online to make
                                                                elections will be automatically re-enrolled in all of their
            Monthly premiums for health insurance are           current benefits, with the exception of the FSA.
            increasing for the first time since 2018, a complete
            list of 2022 rates can be viewed on page 16.        Team members must take action to re-elect
                                                                the FSA if they wish to contribute in 2022.
            Dental premiums are increasing, 2022
            rates can be viewed on page 20.                     Team members who wish to make changes
                                                                to their current benefits, including changes
                                                                to their HSA contribution, will need to go
                                                                online to do so during open enrollment.

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