Page 29 - Feuilletez-a life, my Life, my path
P. 29

Herding goats and sheep in Italy

                would have had to explain the urgent need that had come
                over me; something impossible to imagine even at the age
                of 4. My mother, who had her days packed, had to stop
                everything, and come and get me.

              This remains one of the highlights of my life.

              When I was 5, my mother gave me two jobs to do.
              The first was to take the donkey to the fountain, some 300
              metres from the house, to get water. The path was steep. She
              hoisted  me  onto  her  back,  without  a  saddle,  close  to  her
              mane, which I held on to tightly so that I wouldn't fall off.
              The donkey knew the way. When my mother patted him on
              the back, he started off and went all the way to the fountain

              by himself. I didn't have to do anything. But when he got to
              the trough, he'd stand in front of it and wait. To get him to
              start drinking, I had to whistle. As long as the donkey heard
              my whistles, he drank. As soon as I stopped, he stopped too.
              This little game could go on for minutes. When he'd drunk
              his fill, he'd set off for home. On one of these outings, on the
              way back a few dozen metres from the house, the donkey saw
              a  nice  green  plant  and  bent  down  to  eat  it.  Obviously,  I
              slipped down its neck and hit my head on a stone that was
              just in the right place to break my fall.
                 The second - and very important - job was that if you had
              a few goats and sheep, you had to take them to graze where
              the grass was green. Given the seasons and temperatures,
              there were not many meadows where the grass stayed green.

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