Page 30 - Feuilletez-a life, my Life, my path
P. 30

Herding goats and sheep in Italy

              Getting back to my mission, in a village of some 400 souls,
              we often helped each other out.
              Near our house, next to the fountain, lived a family with a
              son   of  about  10  years  old.  I  had  to  escort  him  to  the
              meadow chosen by his parents, he with his goats and sheep,
              and I with mine. As usual, we had a little bag in which our
              mothers put a piece of cheese and a piece of bread so that,
              like  the  grown-ups,  we  could  eat  around  9  o'clock  in  the
              morning, as we were leaving early to avoid the heat.

              Anecdote: cheese and bread
                This story is reminiscent of Gavroche in Victor Hugo's "Les
                At  parties,  during  conversations,  I  sometimes  had  to
                explain  in  a  little  more  detail  my  roots,  and  my  early
                childhood in particular. Some people would immediately
                look at me with compassion, almost pity.
                On purpose, I took on the 'role' in the manner of commedia
                dell'arte and explained to them:
                You know, when you come from a small village in Abruzzo,
                when you're 5 years old and you don't have enough to eat

                every day, you have a hard time. Simply put, when I was 5
                years old and I went to look after the goats and sheep and
                at 9 o'clock we had to eat, the boy I was with would take
                bread and cheese out of his bag, while I often had just a
                piece of bread.

              20  His name was Primo
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