Page 2 - Fashion Summit (HK) 2023 - Roundtable (HK Participants)- Draft_15052023
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               About Fashion Summit HK

               Fashion Summit (HK) is a two-day conference and an educational and inspirational platform
               where the fashion  industry  can  share their creative  and innovative  thinking  to towards

               sustainability in future  business processes and practices. Fashion Summit  (HK) is funded  by
               CreateHK, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

               Fashion Summit (HK) 2023 was successfully held on 11  and 12  October 2023 at Xiqu Centre,
               West Kowloon Cultural District, bringing together leading academics, key  players from the
               fashion industry, NGOs, media, decision makers and leaders to exchange insights on the latest
               sustainable fashion trends, technology, best practice, solutions and opportunities. We not only
               welcomed the Hon.  Matthew Cheung  Kin-chung, Chief Secretary  for Administration,  HKSAR

               Government to conduct Opening Speech, we were also joined by Mr. Edward Yau Tang-wah,
               Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, HKSAR Government; Ms. Shirley Chan,
               Vice Chairman of YGM Trading Ltd; Mr. Peter Cheng, Chairman of Hanbo Enterprises Ltd; Ms.
               Brenda Koekkoek,  Secretariat of  the Strategic Approach  to  International Chemicals

               Management (SAICM), UN Environment;  Mr. Bosco Law, Deputy Chairman  & CEO of  Laws
               Group; Dr. Delman Lee, President and Chief Technology Officer of TAL Apparel Ltd. and Mr.
               Karl-Johan Persson, CEO of H&M Group.

               Fashion Summit (HK) 2021, which was held successfully on 9th and 10th  September 2021
               attracted over 2,200 participants including overseas and local speakers, conference delegates
               and exhibitors. While for other events (e.g. workshops, exhibitions, etc.) scheduled from Feb to
               Sep 2023, the total participant number is expected to be over 1,000.

               This year, the  Fashion  Summit (HK) 2023,  theme is “Actions to the Sustainability
               Journey”. Sustainability is a progressive journey. It needs actions to change and expedite
               the pace. What actions have been taken by the fashioners along the journey? Among all

               those actions, which ones should be reviewed and recognised? It’s time for us to discuss
               the existing and upcoming sustainability solutions, actions and the cosmopolitan
               outlook for the fashion industry. We welcome you all to join the Fashion Summit (HK)
               events to discuss the solutions.
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