Page 47 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 47

To continue, cross the smaller Sassafras Creek just upstream of the Lagoon, and keep following the
               track on the true left side of Glenbrook Creek. The walking now is quite different from what was
               upstream. The creek is a lot bigger, and the creek bed is full of River Gums (Tristania sp.) that are
               entrained to point downstream by regular floods.
               This section of the track can be subject to damage when trees fall over. After about 30 - 40 minutes
               of walking you reach the junction with Magdala Creek. This is a good place to stop for lunch. If it is a
               hot day – there is a good pool 50 m away, just below the junction of the two creeks.

               You leave the track along Glenbrook Creek here and follow the track up Magdala Creek. It starts
               quite steeply, but that is not typical of the going. It is a very gentle and slow climb all the way back to
               Springwood. As you walk to Springwood, there are 9 creek crossings required. Unless there has been
               heavy rain, the creek can usually just be stepped over without difficulty.

               A short way along the track you pass two waterfalls, the first is Martins Falls. A short turn off leads to
               the base of the falls. This fall is named after an early resident of the Springwood area, Sir James
               Martin, who was a former Prime Minister (of NSW, this was before Federation). A short way further
               upstream is Magdala Falls. There is no formed track to the base of these falls, and it is a rough side
               trip. I would avoid swimming in this creek – as it has headwaters right behind the shops and houses
               of Springwood.

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